Do ALL Christians believe in Armageddon, & do they think when you die you go to heaven? Some don't you know!?

2017-06-25 6:07 am

回答 (13)

2017-06-25 6:22 am
Jehovah Witnesses believes in Armageddon, the end of this system.

What happens when we die?
Some people believe that we live on in another form, while others feel that death is the end of everything.

What the Bible says.
The dead know nothing at all. Ecclesiastes 9:5 When we die, we cease to exist.

The first man, Adam, returned to the dust when he died. Likewise, all others who die return to the dust.

Why did Jesus speak of death as a sleep?

Because a sleeping person is inactive. During deep sleep there is no consciousness of surroundings or the passing of time. There is no pain or suffering.

Similarly, in death there is no activity or activity or consciousness. But the comparison goes further with sleep.

With sleep, one expects to wake up. And that is exactly the hope that the Bible offers for the dead.

This would be the resurrection that Jesus spoke about.
2017-06-25 6:21 am
The Bible speaks about Armageddon & not all Christians go to heaven, just the 144,000 mentioned in the Bible in Revelation. Many others will survive and their hope will be a new Paradise earth where they can live forever if they obey God there!
2017-06-27 5:22 am
TRUE Christians DO believe in Armageddon, but it will not be as depicted on TV. And, NO not many will go to Heaven. TRUE Christians expect to live forever on a Paradise Earth, just as the Bible teaches.
2017-06-26 7:22 am
ALL true Christians believe in Armageddon. But those who claim to be Christians and still ignore Jesus commands are likely to believe what they think is right, not what the Bible says. And when faced with what the Bible really teaches they tend to discount the Bible. Could they be so arrogant they think they know more than God? Maybe they should read Isaiah 40:22 and see what God thinks of them.
參考: Holy Bible
2017-06-25 6:24 am
No, all Christians do not believe in Armageddon. All Christians don't even believe in taking the bible literally. Some Christians actually possess critical thinking skills. Yes, I know that's difficult to imagine, but it's true.
2017-06-28 11:08 pm
Armageddon is the last phase of the Great Tribulation, which is Jacob's Trouble. It is then that God (Jehovah or YHWH) will fight for Israel as he did in the Old Testament. Zechariah, Ezekiel, Isaiah and Jeremiah are filled with the details of these last days, as well as the first verse of Daniel 12. Isaiah and Daniel say there will be a hand picked remnant of Israel who are miraculously saved out of Jacob's Trouble.

Hebrews 11 tells us that the Old Testament faithful will not get a heavenly reward, but earthly, Psalm 149 tell us that they will be princes in all the earth.

The heavenly calling was only opened since the crucifixion of Jesus when he opened up the new and living way. We see emphatically in the scriptures that there are two classes of heavenly reward. We see that is the type of the Levites. There was the priesthood--which is the call and hope and reward of the Christian, but as we know star differs from star in glory, not all will get that reward, only the Bride of Christ (they will be kings and priests and sit on the throne with Jesus and God.)

Then there are the Levites, who serve the priests and do all the work of the Tabernacle and temple--we see this class described in Revelation who serve before the Naos--which proves it is a heavenly reward as the Great Multitude.
2017-06-25 6:27 am
no,not all.
2017-06-25 6:34 am
It is not a point of belief, meaning Armageddon and its interpretation are open. Really. Find it in a Creed if it is a belief. $500 says you can't.
2017-06-25 6:09 am
All Christians are lunatics.
2017-06-25 8:44 am
I think most Xtians do not believe in the Armageddon.

There was a time when the plains of Meggido were strategically important, but that has not been so for centuries. I doubt that anyone is interested in fighting over that piece of real estate.

When you die, is there more? I think there has to be, the staunch denials of many agnostics notwithstanding.

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