what is the first lie in the Bible?

2017-06-22 7:10 am

回答 (15)

2017-06-22 7:17 am
When the serpent lied to Eve.
2017-06-22 7:15 am
"In the beginning", dear. Apparently, according to many of these fückwits, God is eternal. So what's with the "beginning" bit?
2017-06-22 7:31 am
Gen 3:4  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 
Gen 3:5  For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 
2017-06-22 7:13 am
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
2017-06-22 7:51 am
“You will not surely die." (Genesis 3:4)
2017-06-22 7:17 am
The one the serpent said.
2017-06-22 7:11 am
The one the devil told in the Garden I believe.
2017-06-22 7:32 am
God created something
2017-06-22 7:17 am
The first sentence.

God cannot be described as "a word", or "the word", and will never be defined by the words of humanity ... at all.
2017-06-22 7:12 am
Must be that there's a god thing. It's like the first sentence.
Bad start.
2017-06-22 7:49 am
2017-06-22 7:33 am
"You positively will NOT Die. For God knows in the day you eat from it, you will be like God!". Would that be considered one lie or two? Either way, both sentences are total lies.

Although God allowed them to jeep living long enough to have kids to get the human race going, his death sentence on them was an absolute certainty. No reprieve. So their sentence of death that day was as good as accomplished.

"Knowing good from bad" is hardly anything to base self rule upon. Eve wanted to make her own rules without God. Just telling a good thing from bad never causes one to invent nor design laws and paths to take, until they are in place already and one can chart the entire progression to determine whether good or had.
2017-06-22 7:42 am
It starts with lies. God isn't real, so saying he did anything is a big lie.
2017-06-22 7:34 am
The fact of the matter, there is no lies in the Bible because everything did occur, just like God had said from the beginning. That is why all of God prophecy are coming true an all will come true before that great an terrible day of the Lord comes, judgment day.
參考: King James Holy Bible
2017-06-22 7:12 am
Eve's curse was implied not literal.

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