Do I have an eating disorder?

2017-06-22 12:09 am
So I know it may not sound like it or look like it since I m about twenty pounds overweight. But I go through these periods where I won t eat at all or I won t eat very much and I ll lose ten to fifteen pounds and then I ll eat so much until I m uncomfortably full and I gain all the weight back. I have voices in my head telling me that I m fat and I need to starve myself to lose weight but then I get upset and I ll eat so much and gain a bunch of weight. My whole family thinks I m just a picky eater

回答 (2)

2017-06-22 2:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
It sounds like you do. You sound like you have binging disorder.
I know what you are explaining... The guilt, that little voice that yells you after eating something "bad". I battled from bulimia for 10 years when I was younger.
It completely ruined me, mentally, emotionally and physically.
I went from 120 pounds to 99 pounds, and I'm 5'3! I was well underweight, I was rushed to the ER after fainting. My potassium levels were ridiculously low, I binged and purged, which is even WORSE!

I looked disgusting now that I look back at what I did to myself and my poor body.

You sound like your mindset concerning food is definitely disordered.
That little voice in your head stems from insecurity, and more than likely, that little voice is dysmorphic.

Please do yourself a favor and seek out some help. Your future self will thank you.

Good luck xox
2017-06-22 12:14 am
Yes. Especially since you listen to the voices in your head. You do NOT have to starve yourself to lose weight. That's your first mistake.

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