Will my husky ever want to sleep with me?

2017-06-21 12:49 pm
She is 2 months old and VERY playfull. She doesn't mind me petting her but gets bored really fast. And I have tried to put her on my bed but she jumps off. So I was wondering when she grows older will she want to sleep in my bed.

回答 (5)

2017-06-21 1:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your puppy could seriously injure herself jumping off your bed. Keep her on the floor. She may eventually enjoy sleeping with you, but with all of their coat, she's likely to be more comfortable on the cooler floor. For now, keep her safe and off the bed.
2017-06-21 3:00 pm
If you allow this (and NEVER LET A PUPPY OF THIS AGE JUMP OFF A BED), you'll have to realise once started, the dog will expect this to continue - and it may not always be convenient. At 8 weeks, the puppy should be in a crate, if you like alongside your bed, but not on it.

Puppies of tis age have a very short attention span - quite normal.
2017-06-21 3:11 pm
Probably if your room is cool enough.
2017-06-21 1:17 pm
2017-06-21 1:06 pm
You have to find a way to get her TIRED. That's not going to be easy unless you're really active. She jumps off the bed bc she's not tired. Take her for a run while you ride a bike, or skate, or skateboard, or something. For at least an hour. Maybe TWO. GL

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