ANT question?? Can someone help me with this answer please ?

2017-06-21 12:34 pm
1) If male circumcision in the U.S. can be traced to the Jewish ceremony of entering into a covenant with God, then why have most men who are not Jewish undergone the ritual?

回答 (8)

2017-06-21 3:27 pm
I think it is mostly done to ward off infection.
2017-06-21 2:54 pm
because hospitals like to charge for a simple relatively low risk surgery.
2017-06-21 2:47 pm
because catholics performed it on all children born in catholic hospitals
2017-06-21 1:49 pm
At ACTS.15:24-29, God has exempted Gentile Christians(GC) from any law of Moses which is a burden, eg circumcision and food laws.
....... For new GC adult males, it is a burden to abide by the law of circumcision.(GEN.34:25) But it is not a burden for a GC married couple to circumcise their male babies.

In comparison, God requires Jewish Christians or Messianic Jews to continue to keep as many laws of Moses as possible because it is not a burden to them.

Because of Adam's Original Sin, all men are born sex-maniacs, ie lustful like demons/satanism = bound for hell.(ROMANS.5:12) Hence, uncircumcised China and India are over-populated and poor.
....... So, circumcision was not just a symbol of the Abrahamic covenant that filled the world with Jews, Christians and Muslims.
2017-06-21 1:19 pm
No foreskin around the head means no gunk build up. Women don't like the taste of gunk
2017-06-21 1:10 pm
Because most of our ancestors were bound by jewish practices & laws. After migrating away from the community/culture people continued those practices and passed down the laws from generation to generation. Now its become standard practice, besides that its been proven that non-circumcision aids in the spread of bacteria, cancer & some STD's.
2017-06-21 12:48 pm
Hygiene. Often a father who wasn't circumcised has his sons circumcised so they don't have the hygiene issues he has to deal with.
2017-06-21 12:40 pm
sorry, but u somehow really checked most of 'em? christians are not circumsized. only jews and muslims are.

oral circumcision ain't kool; it should be banned. so should the inhumane slaughter of animals (halal-kosher).
參考: scido amafreikis

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