I don't go to my in laws because of my sister in law, how can I explain I don't feel comfortable there?

2017-06-21 2:03 am
Hi everyone, I love my in laws they're good people but my husbands sister, their daughter, who lives with them always makes me feel very unwelcome to the point where I have asked my husband to leave or I have walked out of the apartment and sat in the car due to her being rude, rolling her eyes when I talk, not acknowledging me, saying in front of my husband and I to my husband how good looking his ex is and how he should get back together with her.. right in front of me...... it's things that make you want to cry because I've always tried to be nice but when I say hi to her she ignores me and then says something like "ew " of "******* gross *****" under her breath... I have never met her prior to this ... what do I do?

回答 (4)

2017-06-21 5:28 am
Invite your in laws to your place so they can leave their daughter at home.
2017-06-21 2:51 am
Frankly, your husband needs a kick up the backside. Any normal man would come down on your sister in law like a ton of bricks for treating you like that. Apart from your husband, your MIL & FIL should put their collective foot down and insist she behaves herself.
2017-06-21 2:29 am
Your husband needs to have a talk with her. If he will not, or she will not change, stop going to visit if she is there. You can always invite the in laws without her to your home.
2017-06-21 2:23 am
She continues to do this because you continue to give her what she wants You always get upset and let her dive you away. she knows what buttons to push and she does it because it works every time. You need to grow a thicker skin. Understand that she is the one with the problem and she is trying to feel better by putting you down and making you uncomfortable. You are allowing her to control you and put blocks to your relationship with your in laws and to a smaller extent with your husband. If you can smile at her or wink when she does these things to let her know that you know what she is doing you will turn the tables on her. You know she is a bag of hot air so why do you allow her to win and make you so upset that you would go sit in the car? Start fighting fire with fire but you will do more if you simply ignore her and let her see that she cannot upset you. Stand up Stop trying to be friendly or polite Stop saying hello to her and just act as if she is not there when she mutters these things call her on it by loudly asking What did you say? say it sweetly and wait for response She will not expect something like that and it will throw her off her game Stop letting her play you like a concert violin Start playing her back and she will very quickly stop when she sees her tactics no longer work. Not only do they not upset you any more but you are going to come back at her with unexpected and sharp reactions that are not your usual you will confuse her She will no longer know what to expect from you and she will either play nice or at least leave you alone Stop caving and being a wimpy doormat You can handle the jealous envious self hating witch so give her back as good as she gets and she will soon stop. People will treat you the way you allow them to treat you. Stop letting her win.

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