Do you agree with Donald Trump that abortion is for losers?

2017-06-21 1:14 am
Losers. Donald didn't abort his kids.

回答 (8)

2017-06-21 3:12 am
Donald couldn't have aborted his kids if he wanted to, lol! That is the woman's choice! Also, he was rich and could afford them.
2017-06-21 2:03 am
No. Abortion is for killers.
2017-06-21 1:39 am
He was pro-choice before. And how do you KNOW that he never had one of his MANY girlfriends have an abortion?
2017-06-21 1:19 am
The one sure loser in the abortion is the person who never gets to see life outside the womb.
2017-06-21 1:15 am
2017-06-21 1:15 am
Abortion is the deliberate termination of an innocent Human life... in short, it is murder
2017-06-21 1:17 am
Abortion is for people who are too immoral to keep their pants zipped and too stupid to use birth control/protection

For people who would rather murder their own child than take responsibility

I think loser is much too generous a term
2017-06-21 1:37 am

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