Can the law of attraction really change your appearance?

2017-06-19 1:05 pm

回答 (23)

2017-06-20 1:05 pm
No, Law of Attraction is kind of bullshit.
2017-06-22 8:19 pm
2017-06-23 12:04 pm
No it can't
2017-06-20 3:56 am
2017-06-23 12:22 am
2017-06-21 7:59 am
Law of Attraction is a fraud; a scam. Only a fool would fall for that nonsense.

I prefer to call Law of Attraction "Law of a Crackhead", just to prove how stupid it really is.
2017-06-24 7:19 pm
No 😂
2017-06-25 4:17 am
It changes nothing, because it's not real.
2017-06-23 11:59 pm
No, it's just silly BS. How do you want to change your appearance? You can change your body by diet and exercise. You can change your hair color with bleach and hair coloring. You can change with plastic surgery. It takes more than just wishing to do anything.
2017-06-24 12:23 am
No. The law of attraction basically goes like this: If you're good looking, members of the opposite sex will be attracted to you. If you're ugly, they won't.
2017-06-21 11:55 pm
How you see yourself in the mirror IS NOT how others see you. There are many girls who think they are too fat, while others would kill to have somone like her be there friend or just say "Hi".

Answer to your Question... YES!!!!
2017-06-26 7:56 am
Will you grow taller no. Will you get slimmer maybe and that is only if you stop eating excessively and relax. But otherwise it can't do physical changes. It can get you to appreciate and take pride in yourself making yourself ened to improve how you dress and and act.
2017-06-19 1:07 pm
2017-06-20 11:52 am
2017-06-22 8:11 am
It can make you want to change your appearances such as making you get a haircut, dress properly. and stand/sit with better posture.
2017-06-22 12:53 am
That may be impossible or questionable, but, when we share mutual attraction with someone, it tends to 'put a glow' on or bring out the best in one's aura. I've felt that way and observed it in others, although on the surface nothing has changed.
2017-06-20 4:12 pm
Yeah...oh wait no, I'm already sexy as hell.
2017-06-21 11:55 pm
Yes, in the eyes of the person who is attracted to you.
2017-06-20 4:05 pm
In my case, I hope so.
2017-06-19 1:06 pm
Like work out or even get procedures done?

2017-06-23 1:29 pm
2017-06-22 12:21 am
2017-06-24 2:56 am
Yes, you definitely can, and it s been done. Mason Howe Dwinell s book The Earth Was Flat talks about how he met someone that used the power of the mind to restructure her face. He tried it and was able to soften his facial appearance.

This only sounds like magic if you re unaware of the scientific principle behind it. The latest science shows how our inner state, our beliefs, literally change every atom in our lives. Since the body is made of atoms, the atoms change when our state of being changes.

by James A Sinclair
參考: Source: You Are The Placebo, Dr. Joe Dispenza, The Genie In Your Genes, Richard Dawson, The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind, Joseph Murphy, Ph.D, The Biology Of Belief, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

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