Muslim=ISIS, true or false?

2017-06-19 9:12 am
I have no strong opinion just wondering what people think...

回答 (18)

2017-06-20 3:51 am
During WW2, the German nazi SS had a slogan, "Gott mit uns", which means "God is with us". They thought of themselves as devout Christians, fighting in the name of God.

So therefore all Christians are nazis? Its the same logic.
2017-06-19 9:30 am
2017-06-20 1:33 pm
Pretty much, yes.
2017-06-20 8:23 am
All ISIS professed to be true Muslims, but most Muslims are not members of, or support ISIS.
2017-06-23 10:52 pm
No, not true. ISIS is a Fringe, Fanatical group who may practice Islam, but they do so with a twisted interpretation of the Quran and their sole purpose is to evoke the 'final battle' between Islam and the Western World.
2017-06-22 11:47 am
I think that members of ISIS are in fact, TRUE Muslims.
I also think that so called "moderate" Muslims living in western society are ALSO True Muslims.
They are believing in Islam in their own way.

Islam dictates that Muslims must emulate Muhammed as possible.

Muhammed married a six year old girl and molested her until she was 9, which was when he had intercourse with her.

Muhammed once had an entire tribe of Jews executed, AFTER they had SURRENDERED. It's estimated that the death toll was 600-900 Jews, little boys and men.

And Muhammed told his followers that Allah himself would spread terror into the hearts of non-believers.
2017-06-22 3:21 am
FALSE. different source. (They kill muslims too.) Mike
參考: Simple Logic
2017-06-21 9:02 pm
參考: see your military recruiter today !
2017-06-22 2:43 pm
Islam is actually a very peaceful religion. Radical Islam (ISIS) makes up less than 1% of Muslims. Islam doesn't teach what ISIS teaches. TO THE PEOPLE IN THE REGION, ISIS is a relatively good thing. They provide protection and food for the people in the areas that they take over. However they do things "in the name of Islam" that harm the rest of the country. But here is the issue, a lot of the people in the United States see Muslim as the same thing as ISIS or terrorist. You have to remember that is is LESS than 1% of the Muslim population. True islam, which makes up over 99% of the religion is completely peaceful. Islam is funded off of the building blocks of Judaism and Christianity. Christianity had the crusades and that was the majority of the religion, and the crusades are now seen as an "ok thing". A religious movement with a super minority of the religion, is not any worse than the crusades. But because of the time period it took place, it is viewed as a terrible thing. Regardless of the time period, any religious movement that kills people for the sake of their religion is not acceptable. That goes for both Christianity and Islam.
參考: Studied the Middle East in depth for several months
2017-06-19 9:28 am
look at it like say the christian religion..awhole bunch of diffrent branches on the christian tree...same with muslims,on faith a bunch of off shoots way of thinking.
2017-06-19 10:58 pm
2017-06-26 8:18 pm
Christian=KKK, true or false?

Hopefully you are smart enough to understand....
2017-06-26 7:30 am
All Day Today/ All Day Tomorrow/All Day Forever.
2017-06-26 12:56 am
Islamic State = Muslims, more so
2017-06-25 12:43 pm
2017-06-24 6:37 pm
Absolutely false!
2017-06-24 4:09 am
2017-06-19 9:30 am
I probably should have said jhihadist=muslim...t or f

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