Does this PC come with WIndows 10?

2017-06-19 6:13 am

回答 (9)

2017-06-19 6:17 am
Did you even bother to read the description in the ad YOU posted?

"Product Features

Windows 10 operating system
Windows 10 brings back the Start Menu from Windows 7 and introduces new features, like the Edge Web browser that lets you markup Web pages on your screen. Learn more ›"

What do you suppose THAT means?
2017-06-22 2:19 pm
If come without windows can buy a key +download from this
I bought a key from them 1 year ago,it works fine.
2017-06-20 5:11 am
TROLL ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2017-06-24 7:26 pm
Before buying any PC Read carefully Product Features.
2017-06-24 9:39 am
Can you read?
2017-06-24 5:00 am
Under the heading "Product Features" where all the hardware is listed, you can see that it says it comes with Windows 10.
2017-06-19 6:41 am
If your buying a PC from Best buy it likely has windows 10 installed on it.
2017-06-19 6:15 am
If you read the page under "Product Features" you would see:
Windows 10 operating system

Pretty much all pre-built computers come with Windows pre-installed.
2017-06-19 6:13 am
2017-06-19 7:14 am
FYI: 2 PCs ago I had a PC with AMD CPU and graphics card. They run HOT - and the fan WILL be on A LOT. If you are fine with the noise, AMD IS a cheaper price point. I went with Intel and nVidia for my new PC, and love it. Depends on what your budget is...

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:32:00
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