
2017-06-19 4:56 am
Do you meditate and find it useful? If so, at what time do you meditate and for how long?

回答 (6)

2017-06-19 5:23 am
I meditate when ever I have the time and place. Prayer is a form of meditation which can take place any were and any time but is associated with a god. Most believe that prayer is functional so it goes to state that meditation is functional for it enables one to channel thoughts and energy towards a specified goal.
2017-06-19 5:09 am
2017-06-19 5:03 am
Meditation is not good if you are not meditating on the lord
2017-06-19 8:31 am
No. Putting yourself into a limbo/nothing state makes it easy for the devil to mess with your mind and put wrong thoughts there. ..........................God is the ONLY one who knows what youre thinking, how you have struggled and what your going thru. He loves you passionately and wants to be your BFF. He has a super deluxe custom-made plan for your life that’s beyond anything you ever dreamed of. ............................

BUT He waits for us to ask. Invite Him into your heart; ask Him to take over your life and your problems. You will feel so much better. You are His special masterpiece. He planned for you before He even created the universe.............................

Watch Him ease the stress and give you peace instead. He is on YOUR side. He never stops thinking about you. His thoughts toward you are more than the grains of sand on the beach (Psalm 139)............................

Find a big happy church, attend some groups there and have fun. Talk with the pastor/minister or youth pastor/leader.. They have more wisdom than you and I. And where else can you get FREE counseling? .............................

Troubled people need peace; a good pastor can show you how to have perfect peace. God loves you more than you can possibly imagine :)

You will feel so much better. You are His special masterpiece. He planned for you before He even created the universe...........................

Get a bible that’s easy to read (New King James is good) and read it every day. Find Christian support groups. Watch Christian programs like Joel Osteen, 700 Club, Daystar, TBN TV. Read Christian books, watch Christian DVDs. All the above and churches also have wonderful counselors that can help you...................................

There's so much fascinating information to learn. Jesus loves you more than you can possibly imagine. You’ll have fun and the rest of your life will be the very best of your life...............................

Since the bible is the best-selling book of all time, nobody can claim to have even a basic education without having read and studied it.

I hope this helps; it sure made a huge difference for me :)
They who seek The Lord shall not lack any good thing. Ps.
2017-06-19 5:05 am
Yes, very, anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours.
2017-06-19 7:26 am
i find there are two sides to meditation, there is a side that invites demon spirits. and there is a biblical practice to meditate and ponder on the scriptures.
i find often that i will pray and fall into a meditative state and then either fall asleep and not know im asleep or wake up from what seems like a trance.
since im an insominac i would rather say my prayers, and just fall asleep. and usually thats how it happens. but i will take sleeping pills and will drink a beer. to calm down. i like gin w/ lime, and i get sick on vodka and tequilla. so much, evverytime, that i dont touch the stuff.
the world poisons me with all kinds of horrible things. and drugs are aweful to take as medicine and beer seems to be better than pills.
so if you want to meditate be leary of demon spirits but always ponder on the scriptures and the meanings praying to God for the Holy Ghost to teach all truth

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