Do you think it is safe to travel to Crimea this year? It seems to me that there is tension between Russia and America but Putin says no.?

2017-06-18 8:25 am

回答 (5)

2017-06-18 8:27 am
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You are a bit mixed up. Crimea is beautiful and a bridge is being built to mainland Russia. As long as Russia does not has no ban on Americans you can go there. They need the revenue. The U.S. has not been handling Russia fairly or properly since 1991.
2017-06-18 8:43 am
The tensions between the US and Russia are not what makes traveling to Crimea a little unsafe.
It's a bit dangerous there, but it's a bit dangerous a lot of places. It's a beautiful place.
2017-06-18 8:39 am
sure it is safe
2017-06-18 8:28 am
Doesn't matter where you go. If your number is up it doesn't matter.
2017-06-18 8:27 am
Don't go.....Just don't go.

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