Ethical dilemma on triage and rescue of a family in danger?

2017-06-18 7:38 am
A rescue team receives a call from a dam worker that a family that went swimming is grave peril because the tourist water spill has been activated and the family ignored the warnings not to swim and the siren. The rescue team authorizes rescue of the family,however there is a danger.

- The family is being swept away by the massive raging water spill.
- The water spill is increasing in water torrent level, reaching dangerous levels as a raging flash flood.
- There is a massive rainstorm far from the river which causes more water to be increased.

1. James: He is holding onto the ledge, looking helplessly seeing his wife in danger. His grip is faltering and cannot hold on for long.
2. Amanda: She is holding onto a branch trying to grab her teenage daughter, Cornelia and her younger son, Lincoln from the rapids. The branch will break due to her weight and the currents and it will cause her to be caught in the torrent and drown.
3. David: The 16-year old is holding onto a rock in the middle of the river, trying to help his sister, Alexia who is stuck. He is at risk slipping from the rock and drowning because he is weak from swimming against the currents for safety
4. Cornelia: The 13 year old has her leg wedged in a rock and the water level rising. If she cannot be rescued, she will be drowned by the rising water levels.
5. Lincoln: The 11 year old is being dragged away by the torrential currents, in which he is bobbed up and down, putting in risk of drowning

6. Amy: The 8 year old is bobbing up and down trying to swim against the strong current, but to tired to swim back to shore. She will drown if she completely exhausted and dragged to far to be rescued. 7. Thomas: The 12 year old nephew of the family is standing on a precarious rock, trying to balance himself while being completely exhausted and injured on the rocks. 8. Alexia: The 15 year old is trapped shoulder-deep in the riverbank mud, trapped against a rising water.


9. Harry and Erica: They are trying to rescue their daughter, Alexia from the riverbank mud while begin waist deep and tangled by plants.. There also increased risks such as: - The family member are covered in injuries such as cuts and bruises and other injuries. - The rescue team must use a zipline and winch to get them before it becomes dangerous and unsavable. The rescue team can only save four family member, so which ones to be saved.

回答 (5)

2017-06-19 9:19 am
Are you asking which would I rescue first? You haven't even asked the question. The rescuers rescue the closest person at hand and save all that analysis for the arm chair psychologists.
2017-06-18 8:57 pm
Lot of detail - but in the end, so what? You save who you can without overly endangering your rescuers.
2017-06-18 4:36 pm
Rescue teams should have been trained and equipped for such situation. Don't worry.
2017-06-18 11:58 am
What is your question?
This is just a scenario.
2017-06-18 8:17 am
Philosophically speaking. In such critical situations, in addition to human efforts, the affected people and rescuers should also do some prayers. Prayer does lot of wonders and miracles in our life. It will save the family.
參考: own

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