What is your opinion on this? I feel disturbed?

2017-06-18 6:22 am
My parents had sex and I told my mom not to do it while I m near in the house because I feel very disturbed by it,I am 17 years old anyways. . And she told me that I m not okay(mentally) because I started crying and shaking a bit because it really made me feel bad things. She was really not understanding about this situation that I found myself in . I don t think anyone really wants to know when their parents are having sex and etc....

回答 (22)

2017-06-18 6:25 am
and how do you think you were born
2017-06-18 6:28 am
Put on headphones, listen to loud music and get over it. Parents have sex. You have no say when or how they do it. If you have a phobia about it, that isn't their fault. Your mother does not have to understand why you are disturbed by it. As long as they are doing their business behind closed doors and not in the middle of the day. It is not your problem nor business. Sex is a normal part of life and at least your parents still love each other. There are plenty of families where the kids have to endure their parents fighting and screaming at all hours of the day. Loving homes are so much happier. Stop moping around about bs and get over it girl.
2017-06-18 6:44 am
You realise this is in the mental health category and some people here actually have REAL problems! Grow up and stop being such a baby. Think yourself lucky that's all you have to worry about because I wish that was my only problem!!
2017-06-25 6:52 am
Grow the f@@k up and either leave the house or listen to loud music. It is perfectly natural and they have every right to have intercourse in their own home whenever they like.
2017-06-22 6:54 am
buy noise cancelling headphones. but watch out for fire from stoves in kitchen.
noise cancelling headphones may block the sound of fire alarm.
2017-06-20 12:59 pm
I feel the exact same when I hear other people having sex. one time my parents did it in the same room as me when I was like, 12 or something, and I started crying. and when I hear them now I still kind of shudder and cringe. I don't have a bad past or anything, and I'm assuming you don't either... I think it's just something we'll grow out of
2017-06-19 10:35 am
Honestly it's their house so if that's what they want to do then let them. They aren't hurting anyone. It's great that your parents are still hot for one another. Instead of getting upset about this be happy that you have a mom and a dad who love you unconditionally, because I would have love that growing up! You need to take let them be. They are doing what is natural and they shouldn't have to plan on having sex when their child is 17. Plus if it bothers you and you know they are having sex then walk back out the door. It's rather simple.
2017-06-18 7:17 am
Grow up! You'er 17 so stop acting like a 10 year old.
2017-06-18 6:30 am
you're too sensitive. just don't think about it or if you know its happening, just leave the house. All parents have sex, thats how they had YOU! But then its also disgusting at the same time. Just know that such a thing exists but you don't need to think about it. Find a distraction
2017-06-18 6:29 am
They need some privacy. Married couples need sex to keep their relationship strong. Give them a little space some times, but they shouldn't be fukc!ng when you're around.
2017-06-18 6:32 am
I have a fool proof way to make sure they never have sex again. Next time you hear them at it, throw the door open and take as many pictures as you can. Make sure you post them online as soon as possibly.
2017-06-22 8:53 pm
They should definitely do it where you can't see or hear, but if you do accidentley, you
should be polite, and not say anything. You sound a little immature for your age like you're phishing for sympathy.
2017-06-20 8:21 am
just join them *****
2017-06-20 8:18 am
You certainly are not sick. Almost all people have heard their parents having sex at one time or another. I remember the discomfort when I experienced it. I think your parents need to be more careful. Please try not to be disturbed. Play some music or the radio if you hear them again. Good luck.
2017-06-19 2:29 pm
You're sick!!!
It's completely normal!
2017-06-19 8:58 am
You are 17 . you can pack your stuff and move on.its their place .they are doing something natural.it is rude to bring up such a topic with your mom!
2017-06-18 2:46 pm
Why worry over something that is a normal happening............Take hold of your life and face facts of life in general. No don't feel disturbed.............play your radio if you have to instead with ear plugs.......
2017-06-18 1:35 pm
Honestly, i was the same way once, but I was about 3 years old. I HATED it especially the sounds my mom made lol. I then grew up and stopped caring. On a serious note, were you ever sexually abused? If so, then you will need to talk with a counselor.

Also, i'm sorry you have to go through that, your parents SHOULD NOT be having sex loud like that especially when their child can hear it. It's EXTREMELY uncomfortable. You should tell your mom that.

I'm 18 and my parents no longer do that bevause they know it's innapropriate. They need to have some repect for their child.
2017-06-18 9:02 am
I know what you're going through..I hated hearing my parents have sex. It was a rare thing I'd hear them, but it would really gross me out.
All u can do is just put in ear buds and go to you tube or somewhere.
2017-06-18 8:34 am
I get confused. I have to give a fresh reading when my mind is refreshed and recharged in the early hours of the morning tomorrow. Pl. wait.
參考: own
2017-06-18 8:18 am
They should do it behind closed, locked doors so you can't see/hear.
2017-06-18 6:24 am
Why are you not out having sex yourself?

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