Can someone who speaks Chinese translate this?

2017-06-17 10:50 am
"放楼下蜜蜂箱(余瑶璇收)" Google says it's saying put downstairs the beehive box, but that makes no sense?

回答 (1)

2017-06-17 3:28 pm
May be, It's because that I’m not natiIve English speaker, I feel that the Google Translate does a good job on translation of this Chinese sentence.
No short word sentence of “放楼下蜜蜂箱”
should be “放在楼下蜜蜂箱”。
But the former sentence(just "放", without "在") is used in casual language very often.
The English translation of the above Chinese sentence, I think,
It should be:
Put the beehive box on the downstairs area.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 02:46:35
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