請教我英文怎樣講 : (1)馬路很闊(2)馬路很窄(3)將枝棍打橫放下(4)褲管很鬆(5)貨櫃車?

2017-06-16 9:19 pm

回答 (3)

2017-06-16 9:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The street is wide.

The street is narrow.

Put down the stick abreast.

The legs of the pants are very loose.

2017-06-16 9:32 pm
(1) the road is very wide (2) the road is very narrow (3) will stick down (4) pants loose (5) container
2017-06-18 10:58 am
Translate these sentences from Chinese into English:(1) A road of great width;(2)The road is rather narrow;(3) To put down the stick across; (4) loose-fitting trousers or slacks;(5)Truck-trailer. Yip

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