Can malnutrition be causing my depression?

2017-06-16 1:35 pm
So I recently went on medication for OCD and depression about 5 months ago and I was doing pretty well up until about a week ago when my depression started to come back. I thought I might just need a dosage increase but I'm almost at the highest dose so I don't think that's the case. Lately I've been thinking it might be malnutrition because I haven't been eating that much over the past couple weeks because I'm too broke to go grocery shopping. I've pretty much been living on eggs and peanut butter over the last 2-3 weeks. I work at jimmy johns and I treat myself to a sandwich every now and then which is usually my only real meal during the week. Other than that it's literally 2 hard boiled eggs and peanhts/peanut butter when I'm at home. I've just been feeling very depressed and tired lately and I'm wondering if this might be why.

回答 (2)

2017-06-18 8:01 am
Why not schedule a follow-up visit with your prescribing doctor and show them what you have written here. Use that as a basis for having a frank discussion on how you are doing. They can do a follow-up exam and determine what adjustments may need to be made to your treatment program. Your doctor may also have you contact a social worker to discuss your case and see if you qualify for any assistance programs. They can also direct you to your local food pantries or shelters where you can get a meal.
2017-06-16 1:49 pm
If you stay out of the sun and you are fair skinned, you may have a vitamin D deficiency. A blood test can tell you if you need a supplement.

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