How much weight will I lose if I swim in my pool for 30 minutes every morning and diet?

2017-06-15 10:32 pm
So I want to lose weight and get into shape, I don t have a gym membership because that s too expensive for me, but I have a pool. If I do laps (freestyle, butterfly, back stroke, etc) for 20-30 minutes every day, how much weight can I lose by the end of the summer?

回答 (5)

2017-06-16 6:44 am
You can lose 10 lbs/mo with this plan: ................

Breakfast: Oatmeal or granola with banana, berries and nuts..................

Lunch: Half sandwich on whole wheat and yogurt................

Dinner: Green salad with tomatoes, broccoli, shredded cheese, chicken or turkey................ Stick to fresh fruits and veggies, salads, eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, whole grain cereals and drink lots of water. Avoid fast foods, junk foods, greasy foods, sodas, coffee or starches. Noodles, rice, potatoes, bread, muffins, bagels and all forms of pasta which turns into sugar in your body. Eat only what fits in a soup bowl. No second helpings. Never eat in; restaurants: food has too much fat, salt and preservatives. And of course do some exercising..........................

Join a gym; the trained staff there will show you what equipment to use and for how long to get the look you are trying to achieve.
2017-06-16 12:10 am
No way to predict exactly what you would lose.
2017-06-16 12:01 am
For years I tried every diet going – nothing worked until this past winter.. I lost 15 lbs, in just over 3 weeks.. the weight just literally fell off. I am what you would call 'slightly' active.. weight loss is 85% diet.. as for exercise, just do what you feel like.. It has been my experience that when I have had a lot to lose, I just don't have the energy for much, but that changes as the weight comes off... so, my recommendation is to do what you can, but don't push yourself to hard at first.. now for the diet:

1) find an online calculator to figure out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight. Google, 'how many calories to eat each day' - you'll be asked your age, height, current weight etc.. and then you'll get two numbers - number of calories to maintain your current weight, and number of calories to lose weight.. don't go below the 'lose weight' number. so, in my case, I need 1800 to maintain, and 1500 to lose.. I stuck to 1500 (approximately - I don't like to be too strict about the counting)..NEVER go lower, because you don't want your body to think there is a famine, in which case it will hang onto every calorie you give it.. stick with the number you are given.. you WILL lose weight..
2) cut out all sugar and everything that is sugar to your body - grains (bread, pasta, rice etc..), alcohol, fruit juice (fruit is good.. fruit juice is basically just water and sugar, with no fiber to slow that sugar down - drinking fruit juice is like drinking a soda - all the sugar goes straight to the bloodstream, and then is whisked into the fat cells, where it turns to fat), white potatoes. Just to clarify - potatoes are healthy, and so are whole grains, BUT they break down as sugar in the body, and if you want to lose weight, it is best to avoid them for now.. later, if you want to, you can eat them in small quantities, but to lose weight, avoid them for now.. the human body does not need sugars or grains! Sweet potatoes have more fiber - that slows down the sugar, so they are okay.. I eat a ton of sweet potatoes with no slow down in weight loss.. they are also high in potassium, which most people don't get enough of..
3) avoid all processed foods - this is pretty easy if you are avoiding grains and sugars :-) Eat WHOLE foods, that are found in nature.. Preservatives, fake ingredients, especially sugar substitutes INCREASE appetite, and make you gain..
4) eat fat! Fat turns off the appetite switch in the brain. Fat feeds the brain. Fat moves the vitamins around to your cells.. fat has got to be a part of your diet.. google 'nuts and weight loss' and you will find that the slimmest people on the planet eat nuts regularly.. the type of fat is important - nuts and avocados are good fats. butter and oils are okay in small portions, but easy to overdo.. keep them to a minimum.. a small handful of nuts is a serving - for example, 6 almonds, 3 walnuts or 1/2 avocado.. seeds are also very healthy - snack on pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds..
Sample menu:
breakfast #1 - 2 eggs (could be an omelet with lots of veggies added), fruit, 3 walnuts
breakfast #2 - fruit smoothie or big fruit salad with yogurt, 3 tablespoons hemp seeds (good for omega 3)
Snacks - whole fruit, nuts and seeds, plain sugar free yogurt, veggies
lunch and dinner - some sort of protein (3 oz. meat, fish, beans, or 1 - 2 oz cheese), lots of veggies, fruit for dessert
If you do nothing else, just avoid sugar - keeping sugar low, keeps insulin levels low - there is a whole science behind this but basically low insulin means you are burning body fat..sugar = high insulin spikes and that completely stops you from burning body fat! Please note that eating whole fruit is not only healthy, but kills a sugar craving - I eat a ton of fruit each day - it is only fruit JUICE that is bad for you.. God made fruit, and it is no accident that we are surrounded by it - it is the food we are meant to eat.. man took out all the pulp and made juice - I get so upset with people who say 'fruit is sugar! Fruit is bad!!"
5) consider 'intermittent fasting' . You can learn all about this online, and there are tons of ways to do it.. this has really helped me - As I say, I have 1500 calories to eat - I eat about 600 in the morning, and about 900 in the afternoon at lunch - these are really huge satisfying meals that I really enjoy! Then I am done for the day.. this beats spreading out the 1500 calories into 3 small meals, always having to be careful and count etc.. and the added bonus is that when you fast like this, insulin is kept low - with no food for 17 hours, my body is burning straight body fat for energy - it has no choice.. and honestly, I am not hungry! 9 hours of that time is spent sleeping. It takes only about 3 days to adjust to this way of eating.. There is no scientific proof that we need 3 meals a day, and our ancestors certainly didn't eat that way! Fasting allows the body to heal itself - when we eat, all the energy must go to digesting that food.. no food, all the energy goes into healing..we were meant to fast! The good thing about this way of eating is that, say I am invited out for dinner.. then I skip breakfast, eat a light lunch, and then have all my calories at the dinner.. so, lots of flexibility in this.. personally though, I love to eat breakfast and lunch, when I am active, then skip dinner - after a 900 calorie lunch, I am rarely hungry before 9 pm! At which point I just have a big glass of water and that tides me over until bedtime.. this works..
2017-06-15 10:42 pm
RUN FOR 30 running only way 2 miles or 5
2017-06-15 10:41 pm
It's hard to say. It would depend a lot on how much weight you needed to lose and how strict your diet was. You might lose 5 or 10 pounds. If you really worked at it and did not stray from your diet you might lose more.

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