Why did Catholicism restrict access to the Bible by the people?

2017-06-15 5:20 pm
Why has Catholicism attempted to restrict access to the Bible by the people?
why do they persist in such an act telling the followers of such that they should not read it or interpret by themselves..

restricting people from reading the Bible does not just come from not letting them to not letting access to straight out threatening them if they did read the Bible, even goes so far as only having the Bible in language that is not understood...Latin ! and keeping the people illiterate,

回答 (25)

2017-06-15 6:40 pm
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because they did not want the people to know the truth. in the catholic doctrine your discouraged from thinking. you must obey the interpretation the pope gives of the scriptures
2017-06-15 6:34 pm
If you restrict people's access to information you can control them.
2017-06-15 5:25 pm
Back in the middle ages they kept the Bible in Latin so that the common person could not read it. But then when translators translated it into English the church did not like it, so they persecuted by means of torture and sometime burning at the stake those who possessed a Bible in the English language !

What I find strange is that that some try to assert that the Catholic church is the one true Church..............can you imagine Jesus going along with the torture of people who's only crime was to read the word of God in their own language !
2017-06-15 5:26 pm
Well, if you allow everybody to read the Bible in their own language, they will start putting their own interpretation on what it says, and you will end up with hundreds or thousands of churches, instead of just one.

"why do they persist in such an act telling the followers of such that they should not read it or interpret by themselves."
I was a Catholic for over 20 years, and I do not recall ever having been told that I should not read or interpret the Bible myself.

Why the thumb down? That is what actually happened, isn't it?
2017-06-15 11:36 pm
Why did Catholicism restrict access to the Bible by the people?

- they were afraid some of them might actually read it and discover that they had been lied to for centuries.
2017-06-15 6:32 pm
Bibles were in Latin and most people could not read let alone read Latin. They were also handwritten until the Gutenberg Bible in 1455 of which fewer than 180 were printed. As printing became more common and cheaper so Bibles became available to those who could read. The restriction on Bibles in English did not last long and the Catholic Church has not restricted access to the Bible for the last 400 years.
2017-06-16 4:48 am
It's called "abuse of power." The Catholic Church did not want people to read the Bible and discover that they have been taught lies. There was a time that if people would read the Bible, they would be killed.

William Tyndale is the best example.
2017-06-15 6:15 pm
2017-06-15 10:43 pm
To control them.
2017-06-15 8:45 pm
Greed! As long as the Catholic church keep the mass ignorant about what the bible taught, they controlled the people.
2017-06-15 5:32 pm
Because if people could read for themselves, then they would start asking questions. And knowledge is power.

That's why when the Normans invaded England, they forbade the use of Anglo Saxon runes, because the population of that time were fairly literate using runes.

Feeding the masses what you want them to have kept the masses out of the power base.
2017-06-15 5:22 pm
There were very few bibles because printing was done by hand. They were priceless and practically irreplaceable.
2017-06-15 5:22 pm
As long as one confuses Catholicism with Christianity, they will remain confused (especially when it comes to the Dark Ages).

For example, the Catholic Church used to kill or have killed those who did not believe the Pope was the head of Christ’s church (Col 1:18). Nowhere does the New Testament teach anyone to harm anyone for any reason, but that has never mattered to them. Based on a false reading of Mt 16:19, the RCC Magisterium has convinced itself that whatever it thinks is right is right (i.e. right from God), no matter what. For example, it forbids its priests to marry and commands its members to abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent. Although the apostle Paul never even heard of the RCC, as he was also a prophet, he actually in a way predicted the RCC:

“But the Spirit says expressly that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, through the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, branded in their own conscience as with a hot iron; forbidding marriage and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth” (1Tim 4:1-3).

And it is a waste of time to appeal to a devout Catholic’s conscience. That sucker is seared like with a hot branding iron.
2017-06-15 8:02 pm
Yes, the bible at that time are not accessible. E.g. books of Kells in dublin, is an endless painstaking copying and illuminating by the monks at that time...
Yes, there was restrictions. The holy Spirit-inspired ancient fathers have done their shares of the writings and accepted as authority; a private interpretation is not allowed as warned by St Peter... such that no 40thousands fractured protestants ministries, divisive and competing with each other for the sake of $$.
2017-06-16 5:22 pm
Because seminaries (all of them) teach incorrect doctrine, and the only way to keep the people under subjection is to cover their lies by keeping the people in ignorance. Pope Francis said "The Bible is a dangerous book." He also said, "Christian fundamentalists (those who believe the Bible) are a problem."
2017-06-15 9:13 pm
Because they are deceiving the people. They don't want people to see that what they are preaching is NOT what the Bible preaches. They don't want people to learn by themselves or think about what the message actually is, they want people to follow them like sheep to the slaughter. The catholic church is what is depicted in Revelations as the whore of babylon, deceiving many.
2017-06-15 5:36 pm
It does not. Perhaps you are referring to mistakes in the past.....
2017-06-16 9:54 am
They didn't. And the Bible itself insists that a person can't interpret it by themselves or make up their own rules. That authority is solely in the hands of the Church.
2017-06-19 9:51 pm
Why do people ask questions that are based on fiction?
2017-06-15 8:29 pm
Me: Fundamentalist Christian

The question
because of the very poor way that it is worded
is nonsensical.

So: I sincerely ask of you
- what EXACTLY do you mean by "Catholicism restrict access to the Bible by the people"
- please also identify when it was that they did this
- please also identify your source of information, the source that teaches that they did do this
- finally, please inform us (if you know): When did they stop doing this? (Your question indicates that it is a past policy, not a current policy).
2017-06-16 4:49 pm
That is not true. Our priests always encourage us to read the bible and even the pope demands we carry with us always a small bible containing the gospels to read it along the day no matter where we are. Where do you get this from?
2017-06-15 10:47 pm
The spell might break
2017-06-16 9:11 am
this is a false statement , some of the early bibles were full of errors the Jerome bible , the first to be written in latin was misinterpreted by some of the early reformers, the Catholic bible has the correct 73 books not 66
2017-06-16 4:15 am
If everyone read Bible, some perceive it is only crude fiction and reject religion.
2017-06-16 10:30 am
Catholics are NOT restricted from reading the Bible. Most Catholic Churches these days have Bible study.

The person who posted as ANONYMOUS--who stated that the church founded by Jesus Christ was the Roman Catholic Church. Really? Eastern Orthodoxy and some liturgical Protestant denominations make some very compelling arguments that shoots that claim totally to pieces.

Other Christians outside of Catholicism have a pope. He is His Eternal Holiness Pope Jesus Christ Almighty

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