Can I legally move into my own apartment at 17 with my parents consent?

2017-06-14 9:49 am

I've graduated high school, I work a full time job, I start college classes in two months and I turn 18 in November. Any help?

回答 (8)

2017-06-14 9:50 am
If they sign the lease and a landlord's OK with this, sure.
2017-06-14 3:39 pm
No, because at 17 you cannot sign a lease or any legal document, for gas, electric, water, cable, or anything else.
2017-06-14 1:25 pm
No because you are still a minor and cannot sign the lease.
2017-06-14 11:48 am
Of course you can!
2017-06-14 10:00 am
No landlord is going to let a 17 year old move in alone. Besides, you cant sign a lease.
2017-06-14 12:16 pm
Your parents cannot legally consent to something illegal. You are a minor child. You cannot sign a contract to rent or to own and you cannot legally move out of your parents' home until you are of legal age. They must want to get rid of you awfully badly. Tell them that they are stuck with you until you are of legal age, which is either 18, 19 or 21, depending on the state in which you live.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2017-06-14 9:54 am
you must emancipate in court, or you will spend 5 years in prison with Dennis Hastert as your cell mate. I hope you don't look young...LMAO
2017-06-14 9:51 am
No... you have to wait until your 18 before you can have sex

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