What should I do?

2017-06-13 4:36 pm
I started dating this guy in April after meeting him a month before. everything was great. we were both crazy for each other. But we had an argument but this was resolved and we moved on. Then a few weeks ago we had another and I promised him that I wouldn't act clingy and he gave me a second chance. But a few days ago we had an argument because I sent him a lot of messages as he was busy and I was not aware that he was still busy and so I constantly messaged him and called him. The reason I was messaging him is because I was extremely upset and received some bad news and I really wanted to speak to him to see if he could cheer me up. This caused him to get angry, and he broke up with me, but I didn't mean to make him angry. I am crazy about this guy and I really want to make it work with him and I will do anything to get him back. He has agreed to let me go see him at the beginning of next month, and I was wondering if I should talk to him about this then even though it is 3 weeks away. I know that I am not that much of a clingy person I was just going though a bad time and wanted to talk to him. I would do anything for a third chance with him as I know that I can make our relationship work. I don't want to move on and forget him. I want him. We are still talking but not as much, and I just want to let him know that I want another chance.

What should I tell him when I go to see him? and what can I do to prove to him I deserve another chance...

回答 (2)

2017-06-13 9:27 pm
move on
2017-06-13 5:08 pm
Neither of you sound ready to be steady. You are over clingy, he is too easily angered.
There does not seem much future unless you both change.
BUT......you can only change you, not him.

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