Is it Illegal or Legal to Scan ones ID?

2017-06-13 10:37 am
I am a cashier in a West Virginia beer and Tobbaccoo outlet where we have upgraded our systems to An I'D scanner. In which means a customer must provide a valid not expired I'D or drivers license. In which must be scanned where on the screen as in have been willing to share the process wi th customers only provides me and the computer with.a date of birth and age. Stating that accepted or rejected meaning I can or cannot sell them beer or tobbaccoo products. However many has claimed it as illegal, a violation of the constitution to require an I'D. I'm doubting it is illegal, ( we all know WV loves conspiracy theories) However many has threatened to sue over the fact they cannot buy beer without thier id being confirmed by the computer.

It is also rumored that anywhere in WV will have to have these scanners if they sell alcohol or tobbaccoo?

I am curious with the fact that I fought with the customer on this telling him i refuse to sell him without it until he threw his IF at me telling me he was taking me and the store to court over this.

I responded with " cool. Ill wear a skirt" because I doubt it's illegal. However I am asking because I'm hoping to get to the bottom of this and figure out for sure if it is or isn't legal.

回答 (9)

2017-06-13 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That is not a matter of law, it is a matter of store policy. The store has the right to refuse service. Refusing to scan your ID would be a valid reason to refuse service.

It wouldn't be a legal issue unless they were using the information for some other purpose, such as selling it to telemarketers.
2017-06-13 9:40 pm
It's perfectly legal. And as long as you reasonably follow store policy, any lawsuit against you is frivolous and will not get anywhere. Plus, the store's insurance company will have to pay a lawyer to represent you, and you should get paid for your time in court ... it's just another part of your job.

99%+ of people like that who say they're going to sue, never actually do it.

Wear a navy blue or other dark skirt, it make you look serious and trustworthy. A business suit is best.
2017-06-13 9:18 pm
It is completely legal.
2017-06-13 11:21 am
It's not illegal. It's also not unconstitutional.
2017-06-13 9:02 pm
According to a website I just viewed, starting July 1, 2017 you will actually be required to check everyone buying alcohol by using a valid identification with a picture. So you are doing the right thing.
2017-06-13 1:08 pm
You have every right to request ID from people you believe may be underage. Sometimes a 19 year old looks 30 and sometimes a 28 year old looks 18. If youre IDing people who are clearly older and posses undeniably mature features then it would be kind of illegal depending on your country/state. However, if you are not 100% sure someone is above 21, then you have every right to ID
2017-06-13 11:37 am
It is completely legal and the constitution does not include forbid this. You are actually legally required to check ID so he has no idea what he's talking about and probably just wants to buy alcohol from you with a fake ID. He is bluffing and if he does take it to court he will have charges against him for buying alcohol as a minor (assuming he is) and you will basically win immediately.
2017-06-13 11:08 am
What the hell is tobbaccoo?
Of course it's legal. That guy was just being a bìtch.
2017-06-13 10:59 am
It is perfectly legal to both require ID and to use a verification system.

If someone threatens to take you to court simply say that's fine, because we will win and counter sue you for attorney's fees plus danages.

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