Im close to failing algebra for the second time?

2017-06-13 8:21 am
So freshman year of high school I ****** up in algebra 1 by just talking to my freind and not caring. So I failed and got put into credit recovery course. Im extremely bad at math,somehow I passed geometry with a breeze. So I was doing mediocre the first 2 marking periods. Third one I failed with a 56 and now im on the verge of failing the last one. I worked my *** off this last marking period to make sure I passed but he has to put in 3 more grades and its over. Im almost positive that I got a good grade on the notebook check and classwork/participation. but today I just took a benchmark and im unsure of how I did. Also I did all my homework but somehow I have an 81.82 average in homework. How does that work? Anyway im pissed at myself for letting it sink this low and I dont know what to do or what will happen in the future.

回答 (3)

2017-06-13 8:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
The important thing in math is to know that it is cumulative- that is that everything you learn depends on knowing what came before very well. You may have a problem with not knowing the basics.
What I'm saying is you should worry about really learning and not the grade. But why not talk to your teacher and tell her that you worked very hard but don't feel your grade reflects that? Maybe you can do some extra credit. It can't hurt to ask for help. You really need to know your basic math skills, which is the important thing about studying math, anyway.

P.S.See the reason you did well at geometry may be because geometry doesn't depend on basic math skills. It's a whole other subject. Also, you may simply like it more. Anyway, you can do math, judging by that.
2017-06-13 8:53 am
Get a tutor. Math is easy for some but way too hard for others.
2017-06-13 1:22 pm
whats your question exactly??

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