where in the Bible does the catholic church first form?? they where first called catholic at what point?

2017-06-13 8:19 am

回答 (10)

2017-06-13 8:33 am
there is zero evidence that jesus or the apostles ever existed , there are no records from the time , the catholic church started about 300 AD by adopting myths and stories about jesus as fact mixed with details from mithras , the catholic church follows the teachings of paul who was a nobody and had no authority for anything he claimed or said
2017-06-13 10:26 am
the catholic church is not in the bible
2017-06-13 8:27 am
So pretty much all the other 'christian' religions are schisms of the true religion.

Most of which have come about only in America, and as a direct result of their bill of rights.
2017-06-13 4:28 pm
The Bible doesn't mention Catholicism.
2017-06-13 9:44 am
For your consideration ...

16:18 So I now say to you: You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church. And the gates of the underworld can never hold out against it.
16:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on earth shall be considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be considered loosed in heaven.'
2017-06-13 8:58 am
Catholics teach that Peter was made the head of Jesus' church in Matthew 16. "Thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

The early Christians did not have a name for their church in the Bible. They did refer to it as "the way" in Acts. The earliest recorded evidence of the use of the term "Catholic Church" is the Letter to the Smyrnaeans that Ignatius Bishop of Antioch wrote in about 107 to Christians in Smyrna. The term "Catholic" only meant universal and it has been used ever since then.
2017-06-13 9:08 am
You will not find the formation of the Roman Catholic Church in the Bible, nor anything remotely like it. Roman Catholicism is a Roman religion (kinda follows, right?), and is not the same thing as the Jewish/Essene splinter cult that arose in the early to middle part of the First Century, which resisted Roman rule until the new religion itself was taken over by Rome and went on to follow Paul's teachings rather than those attributed to Jesus (the difference is observed by reading the New Testament). See the other answers here for more details.
2017-06-13 8:32 am
There is no Pope in the Bible. see this for more....

2017-06-13 8:31 am

It wasn’t until about the second or third century that the term “catholic” was even used. Before then, each church was independent of one another, thus some interpreted scripture different from others. In the fourth century, once Constantine became emperor and desired that all churches be unified with the exact same beliefs (mainly because of the tight relationship between the church and state at that time; a unified church meant a unified empire), people started talking about the “universal” church (“catholic” being Latin for “universal”). Eventually around the seventh century that all morphed into the Catholic Church with Gregory the Great being the first widely recognized Pope.
2017-06-13 8:44 am
orthodoxy is the only true faith; other faiths worship the devil. roman catholic icons are drawn from prostitutes/drunks and have buddhist mudras. "roman catholic sign of the cross" invites demons. pope is antichrist. forgive me.

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