WHY do Christians illuminate Biblical understanding to the catholic?

2017-06-13 7:27 am
Should this illumination be withheld until Christians are asked of catholics what it is they believe and why??
Of cause not tearing at catholics delusion, as it was sent for they sought it, but rather with joy, Charity and Faith describe the TRUTH of Christ's love for them and them to be reconciled with the One True Living GOD.

回答 (6)

2017-06-13 7:38 am
Guffaw!! Why are Protestant fundies such stupidly ignorant dumb@$$es that they imagine the 1st Christians whose religious doctrine is more than a thousand years older than their own and who were actually responsible for creating the bible Protestants are so addicted to cherry-picking aren't Christian???????
2017-06-13 7:35 am
Yes, Catholicism is the true xtian faith. If xtians don't like Catholicism then they are not true xtians. You can't change something into something else and possibly think you got it right, a thousand years later. That's madness.
Muslims and Jehovah's witnesses and Mormons did that also and also believe they got it right. No way!
If you don't agree with Catholicism then you are not a xtian. If you're not xtian and you see other religions as madnesses, then wake up!
2017-06-13 7:41 am
Your ego and pride is palpable my friend and you will answer to God for blaspheming Christ's Church, the Catholic Church. The entire New Testament was written by Catholics before anyone even knew what a Protestant heretic was
2017-06-13 7:33 am
Catholicism is the largest and oldest of the Christian churches. Half the 2.2billion Christians in the world are Catholics. If it wasn't for Catholicism keeping Christianity alive for well over a thousand years and compiling the Bible, there would have been no Reformation in the 16th century and no Protestant churches today.
2017-06-13 9:12 am
i'd be happy to debate and discuss what delusions you think us Catholics have.
2017-06-13 7:44 am
Catholics are Christian... there are 2 main branches of Christianity, Catholicism and Protestantism.

Protestantism was born out of protesting Catholicism (hence the name of that branch of Christianity)... they removed books from the original Bible and changed some translations. The basis of the Protestant faith is that the Catholic church was a false and inherently corrupt organization that needed correcting.

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