Alcohol tolerance high one day, low the next?

2017-06-13 12:49 am
My alcohol tolerance has been bouncing back and forth from high to low. Friday Night I had 15 shots of whiskey and could still stand throughout the night. Today however I've had 3 beers since I have the day off and I'm really, really buzzed! (It's budlight!) I don't get it.

Not sure if this is good or bad.

I thought maybe at first it could be drinking on an empty stomach but I had a full breakfast today like I usually do nothing out of routine and yet a steady routine I find still makes my alcohol tolerance bouncing around like crazy.

Any thoughts?

回答 (4)

2017-06-13 4:24 am
That's completely normal. I'm the same way - sometimes a half glass of wine has me feeling tipsy and another time 4 shots of tequila does zip!
2017-06-13 1:06 am
Being able to stand has nothing to do with how intoxicated you are. If you had 15 shots of whiskey, then you were plenty drunk.
2017-06-13 12:55 am
Things like your hydration level and caffeine consumption can also affect your alcohol tolerance (or at least your perception of impairment).

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