Is it legal for me to bring my vape to California?

2017-06-12 7:22 pm
I live in Florida where the legal smoking laws are 18+ but in California it's 21+. I am flying there soon and was curious if I would be legally able to bring it with me.

回答 (3)

2017-06-13 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
TSA isn't in charge of enforcing vaping laws or age restrictions. As long as you pack the e-liquid and batteries properly in your carry on there shouldn't be problems.

I would suggest not bringing it if is a worry. There is no real law that I have read that says you can't possess them but police could take it from you if they want

You certainly will not beable to walk into a vape shop and purchase anything
2017-06-17 10:58 am
2017-06-12 9:06 pm
The law where you are is what applies, not the law where you are from.

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