How do I approach a celebrity in the street?

2017-06-12 11:05 am
Someone I admire very much is currently in the town next to mine, where I am going tomorrow, and I m just thinking that since there s a chance I might see him, how would I go about approaching him and asking for a photo or something?
Im a very awkward and shy person so I know I would be too scared to just go for it, so exactly what do people say when they meet celebrities?

回答 (7)

2017-06-12 9:23 pm
Tbh you will freak out in that moment so just try keep it together and be respectful. If you have one, take an instant camera with you when you go out. Good luck
2017-06-12 4:58 pm
run up from behind and leap on their back and say "I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU, KISS ME PLEASE!!!"
2017-06-12 11:32 am
Well, my brother saw one at Comicon just browsing the aisles... before her interview on stage...

'Excuse me are you ____?'

They had a short conversation and selfie.

It was the lawyer girl on iZombie.

I guess an important thing is to approach from the front or side and not startle them.
2017-06-12 11:15 am
Just say Hey (Say what you love about them or your favorite song/ movie/show of their's or whatever they do)
and ask would it be too much to ask for an autograph or picture
2017-06-12 11:09 am
good question
2017-06-12 11:08 am
Try, "Hi, I'ma big fan."
2017-06-12 11:08 am
its very hard to be honest

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