Will she go to jail?

2017-06-12 5:25 am
So someone i was friends with recently blocked me on Facebook. Before that when we were friends she told me one she got $10,000 in tax returns which idk how she got she doesnt have a business and only had two jobs last year. Her youtube page wasnt much either and she only has one kid. If someone could explain to me how that's possible please do other than that i was told she possibly comitted fraud. Let along she found a credit that's bot in her name and used it to buy a camera.

回答 (4)

2017-06-12 5:28 am
She could have lied.
2017-06-12 5:26 am
You cannot get refunds in excess of the taxes paid.
2017-06-12 5:26 am
Report her
2017-06-12 5:28 am
Hmm! Govt. run by inept minorities - ring a bell?

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:44:41
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