You just saved President Trump's life and out of YUGE gratitude, he would do anything you say. What do you ask for?

2017-06-11 3:53 pm

回答 (6)

2017-06-11 4:00 pm
Rip throat out of every liberal
2017-06-11 4:28 pm
That he strap dynamite to himself, go to the Oval Office, call in his entire cabinet, & blow the lot of them to Hell. - & I DON'T mean the town in Michigan!
2017-06-11 5:15 pm
I'd ask Trump to resign the presidency
2017-06-11 4:26 pm
Send Clinton to Federal Prison.
2017-06-11 4:12 pm
Ask for 9 million dollars.
2017-06-11 4:13 pm
.Shut down CNN/

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