請問可以幫忙把以下文字翻譯成英文嗎 急需~~~ 所以我們每個人都要有一台行動電源 這台行動電源不僅外觀漂亮,且擁有超大電量,滿足你多次的充電需求。 在加上內建LED燈,當你遇到颱風停電的時候,還可以把它當成手電筒來使用,是不是很方便呢!?

2017-06-10 2:29 pm

回答 (2)

2017-06-28 2:44 am
As far as electric power being concerned, we certainly need that mobile device which can be charged several times to store enough energy for usage. In addition, it is with good looking and built-in LED lamp which can be used as an electric torch if just in case of power shutdown; isn't it convenient. Yip
2017-06-11 8:29 am
So what a mobile power source we certainly need.

This power bank is cute, carrying a lot of power enough to charge (your cell phones) many times.

It also has an LED light that you may use as flash light during blackouts. Isn't it super convenient?

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:28:03
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