Who's the bigger embarrassment to the democrap party; Kamala Harris, Liz Warren or Nancy Pelosi?

2017-06-10 1:17 pm

回答 (17)

2017-06-11 4:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Among these three, ALL of them are embarassments. I would also add Obama, Clinton Klan, Comey as well.
2017-06-11 4:19 am
According to my opinion reward goes to Liz Warren
2017-06-11 4:18 am
Orangeutan living in the house of idiots.
2017-06-10 1:21 pm
Hard to pick just one. Don't forget Maxi Pad.
2017-06-11 4:32 am
the 30 percent lo info who vote for all of them
2017-06-11 7:22 am
I was wondering, does being a misogynist make it harder for you to get dates?
2017-06-11 5:25 am
Donal Trump. He is an embarassment to EVERYBODY.
2017-06-11 8:07 am
Donald Trump
2017-06-11 6:11 pm
2017-06-11 4:32 pm
I may be a fan of Pelosi and re-electing her as party leader makes no sense whatsoever to me. However, nobody is as vile as Trump.

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