[英翻中]Many in this city serve at his pleasure.?

2017-06-08 11:14 pm

回答 (3)

2017-06-09 9:40 am
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Here in Taiwan, if you are a civil servant, you are not abiding by the above rule, but if you are a premier, you serve at president’s pleasure, and if you are a minister, you serve at both president and premier ’s pleasure, it means they (president or premier) can dismiss you at any time. She or he would not even need a reason to fire you. Also, once the president or premier tells you to leave, that is the final word on the subject. No appeal.
In America, I don’t know how many government officials are appointed by their bosses, but just from this sentence, I feel they have many appointed civil service officials compared with Taiwan, they are all serve at their bosses’ pleasure.

2017-06-09 12:17 pm
at someone's pleasure意思是「閒著來活」/「待喜歡時才做」/「按喜好而做」,跟pleasure本意「樂意」/「歡愉」是反面語意。
2017-06-09 7:05 am

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