
2017-06-08 7:23 pm
選舉在上午八時開始,現在是同日傍晚六時,選舉還未結束,我講"The election has started." 岩嗎?

回答 (2)

2017-06-08 10:18 pm
你的句子 有2個錯誤:

The election has started since 8 AM. (very questionable)
因為start, die, find, kill 是一個瞬間的動作 開始以後 在結束之前 就不會再有一個開始
He has died since 2008.
He has died for 8 years.
He has been dead since 2008.

2.對主詞election 的誤解:

election與 poll有一個很微妙的差別:
前者可以包含所有的選舉活動 後者指包含"投票"的這個動作

The poll has been open since 8 AM. (this is even better)



是錯誤的.因為只是"投票"是在今天早上8點開始 而選舉活動 早就在幾個月前就開始了.


The election has started. (good)
The poll has started. (good)
The poll has started for 8 hours. (OK)
The poll has started since 8 AM. (avoid - see reason 1)
He has died since 1912. (avoid)
He has been dead since 1912. (good)
He has died for 105 years. (OK)
The election started at 8 AM. (good)
The poll has been open since 8 AM. (this is even better)
2017-06-08 7:54 pm
The election has not finished yet.
最好說法能滿足你的所有需求The election has been continuing on since 8 am.

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