Why is the Lowest Common Denominator in the death of millions of humans overlooked.?

2017-06-08 5:05 pm
A lot of them were of atheist origin and some of theist origin, yet the select atheists chose is them who killed who where of theists belief... and theists will recall pol pot and the communist in Russia, the Chinese master 1949 on who killed who were ATheists...
Alas all them who rose up and killed were all Humans, No God or No no go did this but The human did...
athesits need to get a grip

回答 (9)

2017-06-08 5:08 pm
I wonder...do you really think any of that made any sense at all? Are you intellectually disabled, or just insane?
2017-06-08 5:14 pm
The Greatest blood shed in human history, Both WW1 abd WW2 were for secular reasons.
2017-06-08 5:35 pm
Try this lie again in English.
2017-06-08 5:18 pm
Sorry what's your question? I've read this tripe twice and I can't fathom what point you're trying to make.
2017-06-08 5:08 pm
Your posts are very difficult to read.

Maybe it's just me...
2017-06-08 10:48 pm
"the select atheists chose is them who killed who where of theists belief" - I am sure you think you know what that means, but its nonsense to the rest of us.
"the Chinese master 1949 on who killed who were ATheists" - what does this mean.

The lowest common denominator behind mass killings is power.
It has very little to do with atheism or religion.
2017-06-08 7:54 pm
Absence of evidence for existence of god noted.
2017-06-08 5:48 pm
The simple answer to this is:

If President Trump declared all Americans from tomorrow on were atheists, how many theists would stop believing god exists? That would be none.

Therefore it's rather mindnumbingly obvious, whlst all these alledged communist atheists were killing each other off, they were still actually theists and it wasn't until after all the killings the concept of actual atheism started to filter through to the non murdering generations.
2017-06-08 5:23 pm

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