2017-06-08 4:06 pm

回答 (16)

2017-06-08 4:08 pm
Theist: believes in a god or gods
Atheist: does not believe in a god or gods.
2017-06-08 4:29 pm
Some of the answers here are breathtakingly absurd - a quick look at a dictionary would confirm that.

If the religious folk answering here can't comprehend two simple terms, how can I believe that they are able to read and comprehend their bibles?
2017-06-08 9:28 pm
An "A". WOW, that was tough.
2017-06-08 4:47 pm
Atheists are people.

Theists are people who believe in gods.
2017-06-08 4:21 pm
A theist believes in the existence of a god/goddess.
An atheist doesn't believe in the existence of any god/goddess.
That's all, there's no difference other than that.
2017-06-08 9:12 pm
The letter "A"...and a belief (or not) of gods
2017-06-08 4:53 pm
In theist "a" is absent and in atheist "a" is present. :D

I dont know why people give serious answers to non serious questions :-| ?
2017-06-09 2:58 am
BOTH word are Greek.

In Greek, a THEIST is one who blevei in a god, ANY god.

But when we put the "A-" prefix on it, it mean "No (or not) belvei in god"
2017-06-08 4:13 pm
Anything that starts with A is good. People wants to score A, right?
2017-06-08 4:09 pm
Theists live their lives under the assumption that God exists and that He wants us to act in certain ways. Atheists live their lives under the assumption that God does not exist or does not care about us and therefore they are free to act however they desire.
2017-06-08 5:17 pm
Atheist doesn't believe in any gods and atheist does
2017-06-08 5:10 pm
Theists are stupid

Atheists are smart

Get it?
2017-06-08 4:54 pm
Theists accepts God as a belief
Atheists does not accept God as a belief.
both are human..have both gender..one with more intelligence one group likes to rant and rave while the other group likes to ...wait both groups like to rant and rave... one group consists of many other groups whilst the other groups is made-up like many other groups. one has HOPE if they believe Christ Jesus as their GOD one Has no Hope, as they don't accept Christ Jesus as their God.
2017-06-08 4:21 pm
Theist: God created this world.
Atheist : We are all result of some accident.
2017-06-08 4:13 pm
"Theist" is Atheist dogma. It is the Atheist version of "heathen". It tells people you see all non-Atheists as a faceless mob. It also tells people you see yourself as very smart.

When people are asked to name their religion, many answer with "Atheism" because it is a valid answer. It tells people what you think happens after we die. Nobody answers "theist" for the same reason they do not answer "heathen". Because it is another religion's dogma.
參考: The Bible, theology
2017-06-08 4:12 pm
Atheists tend to have a closed-minded arrogance and a superiority complex...you know, because they're smart enough to believe what the Neanderthals believed.

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