Why is it when i question the actions of israel, being fare for the people of Palestine i am called Antisemitic?

2017-06-08 6:53 am
most of the people who live in israel are not even Semitic, so why are they saying im Anti Semitic, after i ask questions about the occupation of Palestinian land.

回答 (6)

2017-06-08 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Calling someone an anti-Semite is form of terrorism.

"The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."

Racist scum use the word anti-Semite to quash legitimate criticism of deplorable Israel human rights abuses.
2017-06-08 10:56 pm
I have no problem being called anti-semi .
2017-06-08 2:07 pm
The tried and true look over there trick.
2017-06-08 9:10 am
God gave the land to the Jews. Arabs need to find a different place to live. Jordan is big; why can't they work out a deal with Jordan.
2017-06-09 8:00 pm
And of course, no examples of you being called antisemitic are given.

There is also the possibility that you are ALSO antisemitic in addition to being anti Israel.

Do I have evidence? Well, no, not at this moment. But that is about the same amount of evidence that you brought.
2017-06-09 5:16 pm
Hello Brittany,

As you do have not provided any detail of the manner in which you put such questions, it is rather difficult to provide an accurate answer, and so I will answer generally.

Palestinian aggression to Israel and the Jewish People is based on ethnic hatred of Jewish people and on Palestinian territorial ambitions; it is therefore anti-Jewish. Those who support the Palestinians in their racist war to ethnically-cleanse the Jewish People from the Jewish People’s ancestral homeland of Israel, may therefore and logically, be considered in the same light.

The Palestinian Education Authority in the Palestinian Territories teaches Holocaust-Denial and admiration of the Nazis:

The Palestinians cynically term their anti-Jewish hate-war:
“uprising”, “defence”, "struggle", and also "resistance":

The essential Arab racist opposition to the re-establishment of the Jewish homeland (as the State of Israel), is clear:
Consider if there would be such a dispute, were Israel Muslim rather than Jewish.

Pro-Palestinian contributors on various websites make entirely unsubstantiated allegations against Israel giving:
No details, no sources; no evidence.
When this occurs, it tends to leave the impression that Israel has become merely a race-hate substitute target for that of the Jewish People.

Hate-allegations against Israel are based on fantasy, and indeed are just anti-Jewish hatred. (Try getting pro-Palestinian contributors to prove allegations that they make with any detail and evidence (!) ).

I list further down below some of the vile propaganda coming from anti-Jewish (dressed-up as anti-Zionist / anti-Israel) contributors:

Apparently Israel / the Jewish People, do all the following which are complete lies, alleged you will note by pro-Palestinian contributors who never provide any evidence / sources to prove anything they say:

Oppression (actually referring to a Palestinian sense of frustration at security making it less easy to murder Jews)

Ethnic Cleansing.

Genocide [presumably when taking time-off from doing the ethnic cleansing].

Doing Apartheid [presumably when taking time-off from doing the genocide]:
(Having expelled any Jewish population from all areas under Palestinian control, the Palestinians then falsely claimed “Apartheid” against Israel !)



Stealing (Jewish land since all the disputed areas are on Judean / Israelite soil !)

Occupying (Jewish land – see latter comment!)

Building so-called "settlements":
(the Palestinians agreed to the Oslo Accords under which Israel has full control over Area C of the West Bank in which are the Israeli “settlements” (not described as “homes” of course); and with the West Bank being on soil of the Jewish kingdoms of Judea / Israel).


Being racist.

Meanwhile pro-Palestinians also allege that:

The Jewish People are not really Jewish
(to dishonestly evade the Holy Quran’s recognition that the Land of Israel was given by Allah / God to the Jewish People (Holy Quran: Sura “Al-Maaida” 5:21), to perpetrate a hoax that Israeli Jewish people have no links to their ancestral homeland of Israel and are therefore “invaders”, so as to attempt to justify taking the land from the Jewish People).

AND (strangely)

The Palestinians are the real-Jews:
(Also in order to dishonestly evade the Holy Quran’s recognition - see above.)

AND also (more strangely)
that the Palestinians are the Philistines.

And also (even more strangely)
that the Palestinians are the Canaanites.

I would like to add the following thought:
"History" is branch of knowledge dealing with past events, for which internationally accepted objective evidence will exist, and to which reference can be made by giving source material; the same evidence applies to news and current affairs:

Pro-Palestinian contributors are unable to provide any credible objective evidence to support their allegations against Israel.

You may also be interested in the following questions that exhibit anti-Jewish hatred dressed up as anti-Israel / anti-Zionist, which have been put on Yahoo Answers:







I would offer a final thought:
Most such unsubstantiated slurs against Israel in reality actually psychologically reflect what the pro-Palestinian contributor desires to have happen to Israel and to the Jewish People.

I hope this helps.

參考: Please click the sources linked above, or copy their address to your web browser’s address bar.

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