How do I know a girl likes me when she has a boyfriend?

2017-06-07 9:14 pm
I just met this girl who has a boyfriend when I first seen her I opened my arms to give me a hug and she did so with no problem, we talked about relationships and how we think of them and she was joking about me "kidnapping her" and i told her if I did if she would be ok with it and she told me yes. I put my fingers through her hair but she told me to stop in a more playful way, when I would joke around I would gently nudge her shoulder or put my arms around her and she showed no negative signs. I asked her is she had fun she told me she enjoyed herself and thanked me and she was showing me her tattoos and I was touching her, she had one in a private area she didn't want to show but she said she would show me hers on her side next time I see her. I asked her if she wanted to hang out again she told me yes and would want to today and she would let me know. Are these signs she likes me? Do you think she has intentions more than just friends?

回答 (1)

2017-06-07 9:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think she is a cheater and until she breaks up with bf, you should leave her alone. Just tell her that you don't date girls with bfs and that she should let you know when she is single.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:36:36
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