Of course terrorists don't care about love, they want us to turn our fear into suspicion and hatred and turn against British Muslims, that is why they do it. They want us to be too frightened to carry on our normal lives, I refuse to do so.
As for combatting terrorism, if the current government had not slashed the budget to our police and security services, resulting in the loss of 20,000 police officers, closing police stations etc. I would be feeling safer.
However as just an ordinary citizen all I can do is refuse to let these murdering cowards win and every time a British person attacks an innocent Muslim, or we alter the way we live, then they celebrate. Plus of course go out and vote tomorrow.
I will not blame every Muslim for these attacks any more than I blamed every Catholic or every Irish person during the 30 years of my life when we all lived with the same daily terrorist threat from the IRA.
You sound like a terrorist, get them before they get you, that's how they think too, it's why people don't communicate, don't realize we're all people, and once that happens, when 1-group, only sees another group, not individuals, that's when violence becomes the norm.
About solving terror, love, and communication is the only way a person can contribute, the rest is up to the Government Security Apparatus which has failed miserably, the Tories were warned it would, if they kept cutting budgets, but they did it anyway.
You can't love the unlovable! These mustards are retards and you cannot communicate with them. Look at the conflicts in the world, majority are Muslims. They are barbaric!
And what else can us normal people do? Stop going out, stop travelling to work on public transport, stop going to concerts, bars etc? The economy will collapse if we did that, then the terrorists will win. So best just carry on, go to work, go out, spend money etc
Post Mortem. Like the Six Days' War when the Arabs were going to "push the Jews into the sea" and the Jews said, "Naw, we are NOT going to stoop to your level. We are just going to carry on as 'normal' and ignore you" and then the Arabs pushed the Jews all into the sea, see. Reason that Israel ended in 1967.
Hitler tried to demoralise Us WW2 we in general Ignored him I remember my mother saying when the sirens went
Bloody Hitler right on dinner time she would put dinner in the Oven to keep the dust off we would Hide under the Stairs and when the all clear sounded she would say Time for a cup of tea
in other words she gave Hitler the Finger we need to do the same to these Muslims and make plans to deport them
Thats what George Bush said after 9/11. I am not sure why these people say such things, perhaps so the public will think kindly of their government? Why not be direct and say we have a terrorist problem but because we sell billions in weapons to Saudis we cannot do anything about it.
The situation is just dreadful, isn't it? This whole situation was caused by the LibLabCon scum and their vile globalist agendas, spreading heterogeneity wide to heavily alter demographics and society to suit them.
There is only one viable solution to the threats we are faced with. See link in comments.
The only solution is to keep calm and carry on. Beating Muslims up in the street will disaffect them and make ISIS's recruitment job easier.
While we carry on as normal their twisted ideology will not prosper.
1st thing you gotta learn
somebody murdering a number of people and claiming its for this or that cause does not make it terrorism
2nd thing you gotta learn
People have been doing this for decades, dont matter what you do they aint gonna stop
(maybe is cos in the world today its easy to become a "nobody", so when some people want to be "somebody" the easiest way to do it is to get into the news
They dont care HOW they get there so long as they get there
Just think
If hitler had just been a normal guy after WW1 you think anybody would know his name today?
But starting a war and murdering millions means his name will now be remembered for centuries
i.e we tend to remember the bad guys but forget the good ones cos the bad guys get their names in the news, and once there they are part of history
I agree and disagree with this. The problem is that terrorists are being thought of more like a country, but they are not. They are an organisation, and when we obsessively report on terrorist attacks, we give them publicity, and furthermore we isolate the section of society that is most vulnerable to their propaganda. There is no military solution. The only solution that governments can implement is to pass legislation preventing the media from milking the news of a terrorist attack. And the only true solution is to tell these people about our Lord's sacrifice of His Son so that we all may be reconciled with God.
So what else do you suggest we should be doing to stop all this if it's NOT carrying on with our lives. Crawl into a hole and lie in a fetal position? I'm not suggesting LUV, but fgs. we HAVE TO carry on with our lives. Don't we?
however hate and bitterness breed more violent actions, quid pro quo, and eat away the soul.
The only solution is the Final Solution if deportation fails.