How to deal with being the poor friend?

2017-06-07 12:03 pm
My group of friends always seem to have money. They're all in with the latest stuff. They give me a hard time about the way I dress but they dont understand that I have no money to improve my clothing. They all have branded clothing but me. They said I should just ask my parents to buy fresh clothes but my parents really are struggling. Are they really my friends?

I'm trying to get a job but i keep getting rejected

回答 (14)

2017-06-07 1:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ur friends r being classist jerks. if they just started this I'd say they're jealous of something. if they've always been like this they're probably just self-absorbed, mean, classist jerks and that's it.

it's one thing to gently, helpfully, occasionally point out to a friend if they're doing really MASSIVE style errors. like they have their damn pants on backwards or something. but it's a totally different thing to give u a hard time just for not buying brand clothes. that's just about money.

so yeah I say do one of the following three things (or a combo). 1) dump them. 2) tell them straight up that they're being classist jackasses and ur tired of it. 3) just start hanging out with them less and quietly branching out to pursue friendships with other people.

sorry u have to deal with these jerks. I hope u find cool friends!!!
2017-06-07 2:11 pm
Truth be told people who come from money very rarely are able to understand those who don't come from wealth. Money comes in waves to your friends, which is why they expect you to be in the same boat as them in being able to afford luxuries. So there is a very high possibility for your friends to just be unaware of what its like to be in your shoes.

Explain to your closest friend within the group about your struggles, so that he may make the oblivious one's more aware. And option to cope with this using "humor" and "openness". Next time they give you a hard time give them a witty but honest answer like "sponsor me wont you?" , "My broke ass cant afford that right now", "my wallet doesn't agree on that" or I'd have to sell a kidney to afford that".

If they shun you out or treat you any differently, which I doubt they will.. you cant call them real friends. So go give them some real talk, good luck you!
And by the way you don't need branded/expensive clothes to look like a million bucks. Style come's from how you own it and a good sense of fashion. So hit the stores you can afford if you want to improve your wardrobe.
2017-06-07 12:11 pm
They may be real friends , just spoiled and do not understand. You might be their only glimse of reality
2017-06-07 12:07 pm
Get new friends, definitely. Tell them that your parents cannot afford that lifestyle, and if they still continue to give you crap about it, get new friends. Real friends won't make you feel bad about what you can and can't afford.
2017-06-09 4:11 pm
Expensive clothes are kind of B.S. anyway don't worry about it. I get teased a bit for not wearing expensive clothes and having a crappy car but it doesn't really bother me. Most people who wear that stuff don't have as much money as they like to portray themselves as having. I know for a fact that they don't have as much money as me. (I save my money instead of spending it on expensive clothes)
2017-06-09 1:08 pm
1): Hang out with some other poor people.

2): If Eric Cartman teases you for being the poor kid, point out that he has no father and kick his fat ass.

3): Keep at it--trying being the funny cool smart one or something.
2017-06-09 8:47 am
I'm richer than some of my friends and never mock them for being poorer. It sounds like you need new friends. What kind of people laugh at poor people? That's horrible.
2017-06-08 1:24 am
I agree with some of these answers. Try to let them know u can't afford stuff like that. If u don't want to tell them straight out, then joke about it, like someone here said. And like someone else said, u might be their only glimpse of the real world. I'm only echoing some of these answers here, but, in all fairness they do make sense. Don't just dump them at first, give them a second chance first and then decide whether u want to keep them or not. I once also felt self conscious about my clothes. I didn't have many options in my closet in those days, I felt like i kept wearing the same thing over and over again. Nobody made fun of me, but it felt like they knew. Anyhoo...point is that I tried going to stores i could afford with my mom (got a few discounts too lol! Someone called "I care" also mentioned discounts in their answer to your question, by the way!!).

U can also try making fun of their clothes jokingly. Like for example, let's say they said something like "wow you look hidious. Where'd your clothes? "Rags r us"?" U could say something like (if their clothes seem colorful), "I like your outfit, it has a lot of personality. Something you lack, severely."
Or if you like their outfit, "interesting. 'new' and 'fresh' are in this season, but I didn't think they meant 'new and fresh out of decency'."
Or if their outfit seems bland/plain/simple/dull, "Hey why does your outfit have less color than your disposition?"

They don't have to be true, just make it up. the whole point is to "roast". But if u don't want to do that, or it's irrelavent, then don't do it. Just try what Madison said. Tell them about ur situation by joking. One of my friends did that :)

You know, last time I checked, you can't buy personality. which is something ur outfit is lacking by the way.
what? I can't hear you, your outfit is too bright.
2017-06-07 2:01 pm
I can relate to your not having many clothes......I grew up in a large family..........but now......a place called Goodwill has clothes cheaper than in department stores..........just know they aren't washed so take them home and wash first......anyway later in life now, my closet is full with either summer or winter clothes due to shopping at area Goodwill's. Also know taking mother along with a discount card on days they specify.. you can pay less for all types of clothing to feel more confident as the other students with fancy clothes......Never got mistreated most of my school years.........did once in the 4th grade........a girl as friend for years.......made fun of what I was wearing........I pulled on her jacket and it tore.......didn't mean to tear it but it happen. Anyway, a teacher came up and found out what this girl was doing and scolded her. She never bothered me again. So talk to mother and share it will help you obtain more clothes.......I also babysit back than to help buy clothes and put in layaway...........good can do it.....
2017-06-07 12:26 pm
2017-06-09 2:21 pm
omg.. there is way more to life than clothes, if you die tmrw they will be more worried about your wardrobe. find new friends who actually have real interests and arent shallow. take art learn theres more to life than fucking clothes
2017-06-08 11:49 am
Go to the thrift stores. Most of the stuff donated tends to be name brand clothes.
2017-06-08 5:01 am
Study get a great job save if they u real friends theyl like u
2017-06-07 9:22 pm
Unless they improve as friends, move on.

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