The volume of a rectangular box is 192 cubic centimeters. What is the height of the box if the area of the base is 48 square centimeters?

2017-06-06 11:49 pm

回答 (3)

2017-06-06 11:59 pm
Volume of the box = (Height of the box) × (Base area of the box)
Hence, Height of the box = (Volume of the box) / (Base are of the box)

Height of the box
= (Volume of the box) / (Base are of the box)
= (192 cm³) / (48 cm²)
= 4 cm
2017-06-07 12:11 am
192 / 48
2017-06-07 12:01 am
192 / 48 = 4 cm

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