「擦鞋仔」= 普通話 的「抱大腿」英語翻譯, 謝謝!?

2017-06-06 11:44 pm

二樓大大 安安! 「擦鞋仔」是廣東俗語, 意思是指 那些愛討好 拍馬屁的人. 亦即是 普通話 的「抱大腿」...

回答 (3)

2017-06-07 12:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
幫人擦鞋也是正當職業 真的是看不出 與抱大腿有神關係?

意思是指 那些愛討好 拍馬屁的人 = a toady or a brown noser
2017-06-07 9:55 am
Toady to the boss
=a flatter in the hope of advantage or gain of money.
Hold the thigh of the boss
=to hold the part of the boss' leg between the knee and the hip corresponds to advantage or gain of money from boss to you.
2017-06-07 4:29 am
擦鞋匠==Shoe-black Yip
參考: According to The Advanced Learner's Dictionary Eng-Eng-Chinese Published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975

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