Is it possible to talk to squirrels?

2017-06-05 9:44 pm

回答 (36)

2017-06-05 11:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know, is it possible to have a sexual attraction towards pineapples?
2017-06-06 6:46 pm
Of course ! The question is will it will talk back .......
2017-06-05 11:26 pm
d'ems squirrels is good eaten boy!
2017-06-07 2:15 am
With LSD
2017-06-05 9:54 pm
I talk to squirrels ,but so far,they have not spoken back to me.They just take the food that I offer.
2017-06-05 9:47 pm
You can talk to squirrels, though it is doubtful that the squirrels will understand anything that you say
2017-06-07 8:26 am
Humans are descended from squirrels. Many squirrels are even thousands of years old!!! So they could even be our ancestors! Yes squirrels can understand us talk, they are just so incredibly quiet in response that you may never hear it. If you hear a squirrel make sound that means it's screaming. Squirrels are even so intelligent that the government uses them as spies. Squirrel fact: a group of squirrels is called a lemon party, and only the most important of people are ever invited because squirrels are so refined. I hope this helped!!!
參考: National federation of squirrel safety
2017-06-07 2:41 am
You can talk to the squirrels all you want but they won't understand a word you say.
2017-06-06 3:25 pm
Why, have you rejected human company?
2017-06-06 9:56 am
2017-06-06 1:01 am
2017-06-05 10:15 pm
Absolutely; perhaps you wanted to know whether it's possible to have a conversation with them instead?
2017-06-05 9:48 pm
Only if you are Dr. Dolittle.
2017-06-05 9:47 pm
You must be one with the acorn before you can reach that level...
2017-06-07 11:29 pm
Possible but they won't understand a word you say.
2017-06-07 5:02 pm
Through telepathy possibly !!!
2017-06-07 4:51 pm
Yes why not, have you not talked to them yet !
2017-06-07 1:05 pm
Yes ! just say sqiiiiii
2017-06-07 8:51 am
I am sarry I do nat onderstend your qeston. Whot is a Squirrel? P.S. I am not goad englich. Saorry far any miss spaling.
2017-06-07 6:34 am
No it is not. But I vividly remember sliding my erect 3 inch penis into such an animal. I was but a young lad, looking for my ball in the woods when I came across a squirrel sprawled on the woodland floor. It was already dead. That ***** was wet, let it be known squirrels are thotties.
2017-06-07 4:37 am
Yes, you can talk to a squirrel.
2017-06-06 9:41 pm
...Trees grow in Brooklyn...
2017-06-06 3:02 pm
Crazy people do.
2017-06-06 10:41 am
first you start out trying to talk to them then they talk bac to you then they start showing up in your bedroom and want to attack you as you try to get to your bedroom door to get to the bathroom
My advise just throw peanuts to them better yet sunflower weeds with the shells on them they love them just as much as peanuts so get the cheapest
2017-06-06 10:04 am
I guess so
2017-06-06 12:58 am
I grew up in county side and was the only child. Both of my parents were working. So I was mainly alone. All I had were squirrels. They are good for banter. But don't let them get drunk too much. They start singing when they get drunk; and they are really lousy drinker.

Lots of love from- retard treatment center.
2017-06-06 12:28 am
Anything is possible!!! Will they speak back?........I highly doubt it...;)))
2017-06-06 12:15 am
You can try it, but i doubt that they understand you.
2017-06-05 11:46 pm
oh yeah...they call me the squirrel whisperer
2017-06-05 11:46 pm
SUre. Just do it.

Is it possible to gety them to understand you? No.
2017-06-05 10:39 pm
Ask Gary the human being!
2017-06-05 10:08 pm
You can talk to them, but all they want are your precious nuts.
2017-06-05 9:56 pm
No. But they can be trained.
2017-06-05 9:54 pm
No. Squirrels only speak the ancient extinct language of Hattic, which no one speaks or knows how to translate anymore.
2017-06-05 9:48 pm
Yes. They almost certainly will not understand you completely. Tone of voice is very important.
2017-06-05 9:48 pm
Sure, did you know that squirrels can only find 20% of all the nuts they have hidden?!

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