Old guy keeps calling me perfect?

2017-06-05 4:52 pm
He's an old guy... 23! lol I'm 16 so old for me and we work together, he likes me and we talked on the phone tonight. He kept saying "damn... I can't wait tell you get older so I can marry you" and he described me saying I was distracting with "my small waist, big booty, smooth skin, beautiful eyes, cute laugh and my innocent smile" why did he say innocent!?? He says he has to see me (outside of work at like a park) and he even said he wanted to do it with me but we have to wait tell I'm older? He says everything about me is perfect! He had a comment on almost every inch of my face and body! I like him but everyone says it's dangerous to talk to him? WHY!?

回答 (2)

2017-06-05 5:48 pm
I suggest you stop listening to judgemental ignorant people ----- yes he may want to use you fir sex but guess what???? A guy your age is more likely to do that than an older guy ----- you make assumptions about what is possible all the laws are about sex and its not universal that you must be 18 to legally have sex even in the US in most states the age of consent is 16 ----- his comments indicate he is not that interested if he was he would have found out what is legal or not ---- if nothing else talking even dating is legal anything sexual may not
2017-06-05 4:53 pm
He's using you for his own lust, run away from him fast as you can

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