I am suicidal, should I find new friends?

2017-06-05 12:44 pm
I have two friends. Anna was always making fun of my crooked teeth by saying, "Is your mom into beastiality? Because you look like a horse." or, "You can't expect a boyfriend with those horse teeth." She always said it was, "dark humor" or that she did it, "out of love". It made me feel awful though so I constantly told her how it made me feel but she would always say the same excuse. I finally got serious with her and told her to legit stop and I feel I got a dirty look from her and was told, "Okay, I get it" while I had not even finished my sentence. There have been times where I am suicidal and I call her because she has encouraged me to talk to her in the past and she talks to me or texts me and than the next day she is making fun of me by saying, "Hey Anna I am suicidal", and than afterwards tells me "Sweetheart, I deal with depression everyday. Deal with it"
During times I have bad mental brake downs, she will be nice and one time she wiped my tears while I was crying.
Jose has recently been acting strange. Earlier this year, he jokingly said I had the face of a rapist which upseted me, he has said that I am the stupidest in the group along with Anna when somebody asked "who is the stupidest" and said that I act like the world revolves around me and that every little thing upsets me, despite the fact I have told him some VERY serious stuff before. He also said I was "sensitive" because I was upset about what Anna was saying. He once hugged me when I was crying.

Ialso feel Jose has gotten rude with me. I asked him what was going to be on an English final and he said "I'm TRYING to study for the math final!" When I got him to send me what was going to be on the English final, he sent the stuff but said, Go piss someone else off! I also punched him twice in the arm since I was angry and I am skinnier, shorter and weaker than him. He punched me twice in the arm even harder and said little *****.he said he does it to show me what a real mans punch is like.


UPDATE #2 Thank you so much to everybody who was nice enough to help me during a difficult time. I have taken everybody's advice and have decided to let my "friends" be. Needless to say, I am much more confident and happier now than I was around them and although I still sometimes struggle with these thoughts, I am beginning to have less of them as time passes and I am finding new ways to cope with struggles. I wish I could award you all best answers. Thank you so much!

回答 (23)

2017-06-10 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
It was brave of you to reach out like this about something that can be so scary. It sounds like these people are treating you poorly and that has taken a toll on different aspects of your life. No one deserves to have friends that make them feel worse when they reach out for help. It can be overwhelming to have to go through all of this on your own, but just know that there is always help out there.

Make sure that someone around you knows that you are having these thoughts. Sometimes with depression suicidal thoughts will come up, and it is important to seek help from those around you.
Have you considered call a 24/7 hotline? That can provide you with someone when you are feeling lonely and need someone to talk to. Some even provide email and chat services if you are interested in that.
Hopefully you will continue reaching out when you are feeling this way!
Sincerely, KC, Counselor
參考: Boys Town National Hotline, 1-800-448-3000 www.YourLifeYourVoice.org
2017-06-08 6:09 am
those are not friends...friends support you, not degrade you
2017-06-07 8:13 pm
Those don't sound like friends to me. Try to find better friends and more caring ones.
2017-06-06 9:56 am
Change your friends. I don't have a lot of friends I have few but they don't know that Im also suicidal. If your friends are treating you bad and making you feel more worthless you should really change them because they can trigger you. . #stayalive
2017-06-05 1:09 pm
1. get a therapist to talk to and not some kid that could care less. 2. dump Anna as she is just plain nasty. Keep Jose for a while longer but STOP telling all your problems or they will just be used against you. Keep a journal at home if you need to vent your feelings.
2017-06-05 12:48 pm
well, with your kind permission, I guess you're young enough to be my son, to begin with...
just far beyond enough for your words here to shake and thrill my heart and soul
you should get new friends: REAL rather than fake ones.... see the good old saying'' a friend in need is a friend indeed''
I guess you're at the utmost age of flourishing in every way-on one hand- and a very difficult age too, on the other hand...
and you sound to me depressed and/ or traumatised deeply and severely enough to urgently! need the professional help of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist thereof-in real life-in your area, someone skilled in treating people of your age, with no further delay- given your suicidal thoughts...
2017-06-07 11:39 am
Hell ya, we are around people who we don't want in our lifes. Do it
2017-06-07 3:21 am
They are not friends. Remove them from your life.
2017-06-06 7:55 pm
You should consider yourself lucky because you can loose your friends my own mother calls me ugly every single day since I was 8 years old she says that my nose is huge and made the whole family say that to me she wouldn't hesitate to call me that in front of strangers and she thinks I should stay in a tub filled with bleach for two hours to have a whiter skin
2017-06-05 3:08 pm
Many people who care about you and love you can still act like abusive assholes toward you. Anna is clearly not respectful of your feelings and your needs, even though she is just "joking." It may be best to leave her behind and look for people who truely are caring and compassionate. Those people are out there. You WILL meet them, and when you do it will be a breath of fresh air.

I'm assuming you are a kid writing this. Have you talked to your parents and your school counselor about your depression?

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