Question for small dog owners. Do you wash your dog in the sink or bathtub?

2017-06-05 12:04 pm

回答 (7)

2017-06-06 12:05 am
i do it in the bathtub. my little chiuaua likes the space. it also likes to swim and get excersise. i suggest if you want to have more fun while bathing your dog use a bathtub. but if its a very small breed its better to use a sink. may you and your dog be happy :)
2017-06-05 8:11 pm
Laundry trough.
2017-06-05 1:05 pm
2017-06-05 12:49 pm
The bathtub/shower. It has one of those removable handheld shower heads with different stream settings. I don't fill the tub, I just use the shower head
2017-06-05 10:36 pm
Dogs shouldn't be bathed* unless vet recommended and/or prescribed. When necessary it's done in the basement utility sink.

2017-06-09 8:11 am
Bathtub mostly. Occasionally the sink.
2017-06-06 12:33 am
the local river...

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