I can ask for a mcchicken at burger king?

2017-06-04 11:55 pm
yes or not ?

回答 (7)

2017-06-04 11:56 pm
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2017-06-04 11:57 pm
Sure. But only Chuck Norris and Kim Kardashian get one there.
2017-06-05 7:17 am
yes... i ask for whoppers at mcdonalds
2017-06-05 2:44 am
You can ASK for it. You won't get it though.
2017-06-04 11:58 pm
Who hasn't accidentally asked for McNuggets at Burger King or Wendy's?

Maybe those other fast food chains should accept that they are inferior to McDonalds, instead of getting mad when someone goes to their counter and asks for a McChicken

TBH, McDonald's food ain't great and it ain't what it used to be, but it still tastes better than Wendy's or Burger King.
2017-06-04 11:58 pm
They don't sell it there.
2017-06-05 1:20 am
no! stop eating meat have a salad or a nice falafel

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