Writing a letter to a teacher who I ve not seen in a long time?

2017-06-04 3:13 pm
This is a strange question to ask but I need to write a letter to a teacher who I have been taking lessons from about a year ago for quite a bit of time but I have moved to the UK now (she is in the US) and we never saw each other again. I just want to write a greetings to her and ask her whether if it s possible to take more lessons from her again when I return. Can anyone suggest how to start the letter?

回答 (1)

2017-06-05 1:35 am
Yes, don't start it at all. There is more to this than you are telling. Why do you feel the need to write from the UK? Have you got plans to return to the US ? Have you got some definite date in mind, or are you just referring to some indeterminate time in the future ? Why do you not wait UNTIL you have returned ?

You have no convincing reason to "just" send her a greetings letter. This has the hallmarks of a feeble excuse to remain in contact because you have a secret attraction to her. You don't think it will be obvious ? Drop the idea.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:30:30
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