what is federal income tax ?

2017-06-04 3:02 pm
and why hasn't trump paid it?

回答 (3)

2017-06-04 6:04 pm
step 1 --- get a job
step 2 --- that job will pay you money
step 3 --- the federal government ants some of that money and the job is required to withold some of your pay and give it to the federal government
step 4 --- About Jan 20 you get a statement from your job about how much money you made for the whole previous year and how much they withheld and gave to the government, but that may not be the right amount.
step 5 --- you must file an income tax form, or forms, to figure out what the right amount of tax should have been according to federal law.
step 6 --- you must pay extra if you did not have enough withholdings OR you file for a refund if you already paid too much
--- If you have any other kind of income, from stocks and bonds, interest from savings, from rent (if someone else rents from you), from sales of home grown or home made stuff ... all of this must be included on your income tax forms.
Trump has no job. Probably never had a job. His income is from stocks, bonds, rental income from his hotels, money he steals from people with scams like Trump University ... and any bribes that he might take. Much of this is considered 'Business Income' and he can take a lot of deductions for this ... but he is still suppose to file an income tax return.
Al Capone was never convicted of killing anyone, he was convicted and sent to prison for income tax evasion (failing to pay his taxes).
2017-06-04 4:08 pm
It is tax levied on poor and working people to pay for all federal spending such as the President, Military etc.
Rich people are excluded from paying!
2017-06-04 3:03 pm
Idfk you stupid idiot

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