Is it true that birthday cake is better for you on your birthday?

2017-06-04 7:12 am
I visited my doctor recently and he said my health seemed to be declining slightly. I was kinda worried since tomorrow (June 4) is my birthday and I wanted to eat cake. I asked him if it would be okay, and he surprised me by informing me that birthday cake is actually healthy if you consume it on your birthday (has more antioxidants or something like that?).

Is this true? If so, would it be fine to eat my entire cake tomorrow? Thanks!

回答 (21)

2017-06-04 9:47 am
no it isnt true
2017-06-04 7:25 am
Maybe he meant good for the soul
2017-06-05 12:36 pm
Your doctor meant that if you only have cake on your birthday (i.e., once a year), there is no significant health issue there.
2017-06-04 9:02 am
You either misunderstood the doctor, or your doctor has some very odd ideas about nutrition.
2017-06-05 7:29 pm
I would say so.
2017-06-05 2:39 am
It is scientifically proven that the more birthdays (and cakes) you have, the longer you will live. :P
2017-06-04 8:29 am
Maybe he meant that the ONLY day you should consume cake is on your Birthday.
2017-06-04 7:21 am
False, but it's okay to have a little every once in a while.
2017-06-05 4:22 am
The most amazing thing I think. Many times many of,us used to eat cake the birthday party. There two bodies the physical one and other body more astral. If we had lunch for instance with doubts , fears and anxieties the birthday party would-be terrible. If we are quite sure that
2017-06-04 8:32 am
You're too stupid

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